Panic rises.(angst/fluff)

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3rd person POV:

Hutao was already home before her girlfriend. Hutao had recently took in an interest in painting so she decided to paint the one and only love of her life. It wasn't perfect but, no one is perfect. Then Hutao heard the front door open. That must be Yanfei. Hutao jogged excitedly to her girlfriend. "Hey, sweetheart! how" Hutao stopped to analyze Yanfei. "Yanfei? look.."

Hutao's POV:

Gosh..Yanfei looks so tired..I wonder what happened. She looks so pale and stressed..

3rd person POV:

As Hutao was lost in thought, Yanfei muttered out a few words. "I..I'" thud. "Yanfei? Oh my god!- Yanfei!! WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE UP!" ....Tears welled in Hutao's eyes. She checked Yanfei's pulse. She's still alive. Yanfei had just passed out. Hutao let out a big sigh of relief. She then quickly contacted Zhongli for help. "Hey Zhongli! Come quick. I'll explain later!" hutao said, still panicking. "Why so sudden? I-" "Just come quickly!!" Hutao cut him off.


Yanfei was in a bed and hutao sat right next to her. "please be okay...please be okay..." were the only thoughts Hutao could think of. 1 hour later, Hutao was finishing the painting she was making for Yanfei, her hands still shaking a bit. She was still in the same room as her, of course. Before Hutao could finish the final finishing touches, she heard a small, soft voice. "..Hu..Hutao?.." As she heard those words, she swiftly turned around. "Yanfei! oh my, you're awake!!" Hutao tackled yanfei with a tight embrace. "Never leave me ever big dummy.." Hutao muttered. As Yanfei was in a wave of laughter, Hutao was just glad that she's ok.

Author's note:

HEya- This part almost made me cry AND it took quite a long time to plan. And if you notice that there wont be any updates tomorrow, it's because i was taking piano lessons :') anyway, Mwa <3 have a yummy day!

-The Author

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