696 11 4

(Unknown place)
(3rd person pov)

In the forest, A person wake in the grass.

???: What the... Where am i?

He gets up, not knowing what the heck is going on, but he not the only one. He sees everyone awake the same as him.

???: Ok, weird. What the hell is going on!?

???2: Hey pal, shut up!

???1: Me?

???2: Yeah! You! You stupid-bastard!

???1: Who are you!?

Elanip: I'm elanip! But you can call me Opie Winton! And who are you!

221September: 221September!

Elanip: That's not a name!

221Sep: Yeah! I'm the writer! You dirty ass bitch!

Elanip: Why you!

Both started to fight each other, while everyone watches them fighting. Two unknown girls stop the two fight.

???3: Hey! STOP FIGHTING!!

???4: Yeah! Fighting is not gonna fine out why we here?!

But, the two completely ignore them and keeps fighting, the two girls pull the two away of each other.

221Sep: Let me get that bastard! I want to kick his balls!

Elanip: Really! I marry you're mom!

221Sep gets angry, His about to kill him, But *Bang* Everyone stop want they were doing and look at the man holding a pistol.

???5: You bloody idiots, Stop killing each other for second and think.

Both of them stop.

???5: Good, If everyone tell me! What the bloody-hell are we here?!

221Sep: We don't know! I was playing red alert 3 and bang! I was here! And that's why I met him! *point at elanip*

Elanip: If you recall! I was playing gta rp, I flip Eliteprime with my ramp car! An-

???6: YOU WHAT!!??

Everyone turn to see a angry irishman. That's detective Eliteprime.

Elite: Opie, if you responsible for this! Tell us why are we here!

???5: You know what! Shut it irish!

Elite: What the fuck did you call me?!

221Sep: Ok! Let's start to know each other, without killing each other, alright!

Everyone in the forest nodded, except Eliteprime who very angry at ???5.

*Timeskip brought to you by Chibi 221September driving his tank towards the reunion*

Many other players greeted each other (Without killing each other), Most them where YouTubers, Vtubers, Random players and Authors (Like me) from wattpad. They weapons with them, including vehicles like GTA vehicles, War thunder vehicles, And Call of duty modern warfare 2019 vehicles. They need to know where they are? They decided to build a base of operations. Also they need a new leader.

To be continue

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