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Cedric looks out his window, a pained grimace on his face. He hates being here, locked up and with no way of communicating with the outside world, at least not anymore. His father, Amos Diggory, found almost all his parchment, he still has some hidden, and about the necklace. The one with the golden egg, the only way he could've still been in contact with Harry. Cedric bites down on his lips. The pain of not knowing what's going on almost unbearable, he misses Harry so much. He has a deep seated need for the teen. His mate... He must seriously be mad at him for not keeping in touch. Cedric feels responsible and terrible for what he's putting Harry through.

There's a light breeze outside and the late summer sun beats harshly down on the dry earth. Overall it's been a very dry and hot summer. Speaking of dryness, he licks his chapped lips. He's thirsty but won't dare to ask, Cedric wants to stay as far away from his father as possible. That man has made his life miserable for so long. Feeding his prejudice and homophobia into Cedric. Abused him physically and emotionally. Cedric just feels drained beyond belief.

His empathy has also grown stronger over the summer, now he can feel emotions within a hundred metre radius. It's due to this fact that Cedric knows Amos hates him. There is no love only loathing and pure hatred. It makes Cedric flinch every time and he hates it. A sob shudders his body, when will this misery stop? When will he finally be free? Cedric wants to be free and leave his past behind, he no longer wants to be tortured. Doesn't want to be He pauses for a second. There...steps are approaching his room. His breathing strains as his chest constricts in terror. It's his father. Cedric shakes with fear, he has nowhere to run, no way of escaping. His eyes run from one side of the room to the other. His breathing picks up in pace and pearls of cold sweat run down his face and neck. There's no stop to his trembling, no end to the fear.

You should've died in that tournament, you ungrateful brat!

The brunette flinches at the memory and then at the thought of his mother, battered and bruised, bloodied and unconscious. No one knows what goes on in the Diggorys' house. No one will ever know. Just pretend to be perfect. Be the good boy and do what you are told. You are too stupid to think for yourself, let your big man do all the talking.

The steps are so much closer now. Heavy and loud. His heart races and his eyes blow wide in fear.

Stupid boy! Hufflepuffs are known to be unremarkable! How did I deserve such a useless son!

Tears continue to flow down his cheeks. His eyes are puffy and red, snot covering his sleeves. This is the miserable heap that Cedric has been reduced to. The only time he can remotely get away from his father is when the young man is at Hogwarts.

Blood spurts out of his nose, the hatred and loathing behind  his door are so strong and all encompassing. His heart tightens in his chest, there is so much fear.

The door handle goes down, one flinch. The door opens and a man, stocky build and brown bearded, comes in. Another flinch and a whimper. Cedric takes shy slow steps backward. His body going rigid.

Amos quickly closes the gap between them and continues invading Cedric's boundaries.

There is an emotion even stronger than the deeply rooted hate and it's suffocating. His knees tremble, barely able to hold his weight. There are no words exchanged and a wicked gleam lays in those brown eyes. It's dark and cold. The brunette shivers as he finds himself pressed flatly against the wall. His breath hitches and catches in his throat. It's cold yet hot at the same time. He feels numb, there's nothing left...he will just's agony and he can't even muster fear, can't acknowledge. His mind just won't wrap around the things that happen. How long, he doesn't know, nor does he want to know.

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