the Lupin family

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Harry and Remus apparate to Diagon Alley and start looking for Severus, apparently Remus and Severus decided to meet up in front of Gringotts and that is exactly where they are headed right now. There is no time to waste, seeing as they don't have the luxury of time, they need to get there as soon as possible. For all Harry knows dad could be in danger.

"Can you hurry up please?" He yells over his shoulder at his sire. He huffs out in distress, the building in sight. The white marble building in all its glory is right up ahead, just a few more steps and then...then he can help his family reunite.

Remus just has to accept the truth! He has to!

"Harry, I'm trying my best to keep up with you."

Harry turns around and his eyes widen at the sight of his father, he's paler than he should be and sweating bullets.

"See, this is only the early stages, Sev must be so much worse! This could kill him! And then what? Remus, Severus and you are the only living relatives I have left! My Godfather from Sev's side is nowhere to be found and I don't want to go back to the Dursleys or to Sirius. Please... I need your help!" Harry pleads, even begs. He's losing hope and that is something he can't risk.

They reach the entrance and after looking around desperately, Harry catches the sight of familiar dark robes, the person is hunched in on themselves. Harry runs up and embraces the person. He lets his magic flow into his dad. "How are you? And tell me the truth, dad!"

A hand is placed on his brown hair, "I could be better, but it's not as bad as it seems upon first sight." His black eyes move to his mate, his Remus. The vampire inside of him wants to claim and be claimed all over again, but first the Werewolf needs to remember.

"Get over here, you overgrown mutt!" Severus smirks and Remus hesitantly comes closer and offers his hand for support.

He just can't imagine that the potions master is his mate, but despite that thought, he has to admit that Severus is quite good-looking. As he takes the slightly smaller hand in his, sparks run down his spine. Like tiny electric surges. He feels guilty for making Harry and Severus suffer, but he knows that he would remember if he ever found his mate or had a child for that matter. But if what they are saying is true...then Harry is his cub and he abandoned him. He abandoned his mate and cub. Moony howls, he knows or at least remembers something. The wolf wants to take the vampire and claim him. A feeling of protectiveness washes over him as he moves his arm around Severus' waist. The black haired man stiffens before going eerily calm in his arms. The Werewolf's nose picks up on the fleeting magic, not only Severus' but his own too. It feels too real to be a mere fabrication and Remus knows enough about mates to know that this type of dwindling or depletion of magic only happens after a mate is rejected. With that in mind, there is almost no doubt that Severus is his mate. The one he is supposed to protect and have a pack with.

They enter the premises of Gringotts and move up to an unoccupied goblin teller. They are lucky that today isn't a busy day.

"How can I help you?" The goblin looks down at them and Harry moves forward. "We would be needing a cleansing ritual and a ritual chamber. These are family matters that revolve around a case of attempted line theft. Please hurry, sir goblin and take all the necessary amount of Galleons from the Potter vaults."

The goblin nods and then calls on another, who quickly runs away.

"Please wait here until you are called and then after the ritual we will have your account manager taking a statement. Line theft is a criminal act of the highest calibre in goblin culture."

Harry dips his head with respect and dignity, "Of course, I thank you in advance for your services." The goblin nods and goes back to his work. Harry returns to his parents, my, that sounds so weird. Harry shrugs and sits down next to Sev, who is heavily leaning against Remus. "We'll make it through, I promise we will." Harry whispers.

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