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Severus staggers, too out of breath. He almost lost everything again. His hand travels through his hair. That was too close. Dumbledore knows too much already and now even more. Severus let his guard down, by too large a margin. Somehow...somehow Dumbledore was able to break through his occlumency shields, even if it was just for a short time. The minute widening of the headmaster's eyes was answer enough.

Severus did the only thing he thought necessary. He bolted out of the staff room the first chance he got.

He slides down the wall of spinner's end. His breathing slowly normalizes, he needs to go to Grimmauld place as soon as he can, he has to warn Harry and Remus. They need to know!

Harry is in so much danger now that Dumbledore knows... his eyes blow wide and then he feels it. Blood trickling down his forehead and an unnatural weight pinning him down. His head feels like splitting in half. He knows the wound is growing and festering and he can't move his body, just his eyes. What is happening now?

What did that man do to him? Then his forearm, the one with the dark mark, starts glowing an eerie blue. Blood steadily flows out of the shriveling flesh. He screams, the pain even greater than the one inflicted by the cruciatus. His thoughts seize and the more his magic fights the curse, the stronger its hold on his body. It's forcefully trying to merge with him, bind him and finally destroy him from within.

Where is Remus? He needs to get to him! He's going to die at this rate! He can't die! Not yet! He has so much to live for now.

It's getting harder to breathe as the weight grows in intensity over his chest. It's awful! He screams again. He can't lose consciousness! His eyes roll back and foam starts coming from his mouth. Venom drips from his fangs and his eyes glow red. He can feel his vampire slipping out of his control. It's out for blood. The curse...what is it? Venom runs down his chin and pool around him, he can't let that happen! He tries to calm his vampire to no avail. He's being poisoned and refuses to see reason. He has never fought for dominance over his creature and yet here he is.

Agonizing screams rip from his already sore throat. He's never heard of such a curse before. His mind has turned back to a somewhat stable state to form simple thoughts. He can't take it! He's losing!

But if he does, there is just no telling what his Vampire will do. It could do anything that it shouldn't without his mind to take charge. What is this?

His mind then travels to a wizard, one he hasn't seen in eleven years. His best friend, his first friend other than Lily. He desperately needs someone to help him. Raven would know what to do. Severus can hear his laugh ringing through his ears and head. He's going insane.

"Not insane, you already are." A dark voice replies. It's awfully similar to Remus', but he knows it's not.

"Isn't it? How would you know?" It's derisive. Remus would never say such a thing, he would be supportive, he would try to reassure him.

"And why would I do that? I don't care for you and I never have. You're all alone Severus, no one will save you. You were destined to be alone. No one will miss you if you just disappear, don't you agree?" The voice laughs.

Severus refuses to accept that it's Remus'. But what if it is? He shakes his head, no it's the curse. It's not his mate, Remus loves him! He has friends who care about him.

"But they are all gone. Stella, that kind soul, lost in the war, never to be found again. Raven, lost to sleep stasis. You won't find him! You are too weak, you rely too much on orders. You are nothing more than a coward!" Another cold and cruel laugh. Severus shivers as he hunches in on himself. Bloodied and with a shriveled arm, an arm that is constantly regenerated by his vampire and the dark lord's magic, just to be taken by the curse again.

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