Head boy

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He tries to wake up again. Anabel has given him the all-clear. Cedric doesn't know how long he has been out for, but he knows it has been long. Wherever he is... It's not home.

Cedric wants to know who saved him and thank them, but he doesn't want to be a nuisance either. He needs to go soon and find a place to stay on his own, he also needs to think about what he wants to do after school. Cedric is certain that he wants to pursue a transfiguration mastery and then look from there where he will go.

Then there are NEWTs to be studied for. And then there is Jones...no, Samantha. Cedric needs to be sure that she remembers him too.

Why would his parents obliviate him about his childhood safe haven? About granny Hope? Why is his life so complicated? And why did Dumbledore want him dead? Does he have to look behind his back every second now? He doesn't want to die...not yet at least.

That's when all the memories come flashing back to him...the kissing...the touching...he shivers and gags. That man is not his father and he never will be...not ever again. He's revolted by himself for not doing anything, for being so helpless and pathetic.

His Empathy spikes and feelings of restlessness, anxiety, happiness, and concern flow into him. Most of these emotions are directed at him and some others...not...

He can feel to who the emotions are directed?! Just how much more is there to know about Empathy? Who can he ask bout that, he can't ask the ministry or the teachers at Hogwarts and for all he knows, he could be the only Empath alive.

Suddenly, he feels lonely...why is it always him, who gets the worst luck? Now don't get him wrong, Cedric loves his Empathy more than he hates it. He hates the side effects of the power. He's just glad that he is no longer anywhere near Amos. Otherwise, there would be hatred, intermingled with lust, in the air. And there are no such emotions being thrown his way, wherever he is, he is safe there. Safer than at home or at Hogwarts.

Slowly he goes back to sleep. Maybe next time he can wake up and look around, make sense of where he is. And from there look at how to proceed. He knows he's nowhere near Harry, but that's fine for the time being.


He looks at the letter with the Hogwarts seal addressed to Cedric. Seems as though he was right. He knew Cedric would be head boy, now that he is alive. He's looking forward to this year, forward to Neville and Harry. He looks forward to both pairs of twins. The summer has been long but enjoyable.

Theo loves his sister but he's still not quite sure about...father. He doesn't know whether to continue calling him dad or not. What is a certainty, is that Tom Marvolo Riddle is a better father than Nott sr could ever be.

Theo sighs and fiddles around with the delicate piece of parchment. He doesn't want to be prefect and he's glad that he isn't, but he's worried that the youngest Weasley boy could be the Gryffindor prefect. What would happen if that were the case this time around? If he and Harry can keep their future from happening and save most people they wished to save, then Theo will count that as a great success.

He sighs and slowly shakes his head. His main concern should be his brother's mate... He grips tightly onto the coffee table inside his room. Potter manor is filled with heavy wooden furniture, a beautiful house if you look past the garish decorations, which have become dusty and moth bitten.

Theo's grip around the edge is like a vice. His entire body trembles and he bites his lips. That bastard, Amos Diggory, will rue the day he ever touched or manhandled his own son. That monster will regret ever stepping foot into the world and Theo must and, certainly, will make sure of that. Despite not willingly admitting his true emotions...despite being too proud to accept his own softness...Theo cares for the older teenager. He cares for Cedric because he knows that the Hufflepuff will treat his brother with respect. They make each other happy, Harry has been so much happier with Cedric than he has ever been in the past. Theo can't help himself but always smile at the couple. And yet...he also feels a pang of jealousy...

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