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Harry wakes up and is immediately whisked away by Mrs Weasley to go catch some doxys and clean the house. He hasn't seen dad or Remus all day. He woke up in his bed and couldn't remember going there on his own. He must've fallen asleep in his dad's arms.

He smiles softly, it was the first time he has been consoled by a parent figure and it feels great even if he's embarrassed about the fact he cried all over the place.

"My, what's gotten little Harrikins so happy today?" George asks amused.

Harry turns to him with a smile. "Oh, nothing much. How's the joke shop coming along?"

George grins and shows a thumbs up. "The Espoirs are great business partners, we already got a building and are developing our merchandise." They keep their voices hushed as to not alert Mrs Weasley. Harry doesn't want her to know that he helped the twins go behind her bag. They continue cleaning until the bell rings and Mrs Weasley walks out of the room closing the door behind her.

Harry turns to George again. "I've been meaning to ask you, how is your relationship with Victoir and Rafaël been coming along?" At the question George turns a bright crimson, and Harry swears he can see steam coming out of the red-head's ears. He laughs and claps a hand on the taller teen's shoulder. "F-f-fine... they're great, cool...y-yeah... I...uh- they..."

"Relax George, they like you. You should definitely try letting them take you on a date. And this is some advise coming from one submissive to the other."

George blushes even harder, proving that that's still possible.

"What are you talking about, that George is blushing so hard?" Ginny asks with Ron and Hermione close by.

"Let me guess it's about George's mates, isn't it?" Fred gives his twin a knowing shove and Harry a matching grin.

At the mention of the plural word, Hermione visibly recoils. Harry's pleasant mood sours over and he turns away from her. "What do you mean "mates?" There is no way you can have more than one!"

Harry sighs and leans slightly against George, who by now has started to shake. "It's rare, but nonetheless possible, even rarer is to have a mate of the same gender. One of you has to be the bearer while the other is the sire. George here has caught the checkpot pretty much."

"What does that mean? George?" Ron questions sternly and his older brother squirms uncomfortably at the sudden attention he's getting. Feeling guilty at putting his friend in such a predicament Harry sheepishly scratches the back of his neck. "Sorry."

"Don't worry Harry. I'm fine." George then turns to his younger siblings with a stern expression. It's now or never, he now has the chance to come out to them. "I'm gay. I'm in love with two people, who love me just as much. We met about a year ago and it's thanks to Harry that I met those two. Their amazing and just like Fred and I they are identical twins."

"You-you- what? You're gay?!" Ron practically yells. George cringes and then nods steadily. He always knew that Ron and Ginny have something against homosexual people, most likely a product of their mother's constantly voiced disapproval of same sex couples. Fred lays a comforting arm around his shoulder. "And I'm bisexual. I like both witches and wizards."

"What the fuck?!" Ginny screeches, causing Harry to startle and flinch, holding onto his sensitive ears. He glares at the shorter girl and then slowly scuttles closer to Fred and George.

"So...so essentially you're fags?! How much more shame do you want to bring upon our family honour?" Ron questions with a steadily reddening face. Hermione scoffs and snarls in disgust. Harry turns away from them and hugs a shaking George.

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