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A ticking of a clock is all that can be heard. It's loud yet slow and does not help with his headache. This isn't the first time he has passed out due to his Empathy, and he doubts it will be the last. Just...what happened?

He tries to open his eyes, but they won't budge. Why won't his body respond to his commands? What is going on? It's as though he's trapped within his own body. A prisoner. He doesn't want this! Where is Amos? Is he at home? What happened? His Empathy is getting so overwhelmingly strong. And he didn't get a chance to say hello to Harry, nothing. His heart aches, it's sore and yearning for proximity. Why is he always so pathetic?

A hand, a phantom hand, runs through his hair comfortingly. "Rest assured. You are safe now and you will be for the foreseeable future. You've been through so much, darling, and I'm sorry. I wish there were more we could do for you."

He feels calm in her arms. "Annabel, what happened? What happened to him?"

A heavy sigh escapes her lips. "He ran, left you behind in hopes that the people who saved you would kill you. He's a vile man and you shouldn't worry about him no longer. Just rest."

Soft lips press against his forehead and all turns calm. His tense muscles relax and a soft smile decorates his lips.


Tom paces inside his study, Theo and Natalie are playing outside and their guest has yet to wake up. To what has the wizarding world come to since his disappearance? There is so much corruption going on...and what for? He lost it all, now he has most back, but only because of the boy, who was supposed to be his undoing. The boy, who will become his equal. And what did Raven always say... The future isn't set in stone? Perhaps something very similar... It's been too long.

The last time Tom saw his mate was just before he went after the Potters and due to work they were unable to spend any more time together and now he's gone. Raven is somewhere out there, somewhere at Hogwarts. Tom can't just sit around and do nothing, he needs to find his mate. Raven has always been his voice of reason, even if he's rather provocative while voicing his opinions on matters. Theodore takes much after him. They share the same attitude and eyes. Those beautiful light blue eyes, that sparkle like crystals. The Godwin eyes have always seemed ethereal, it's one of the many traits they have, other than their curse or the Legendarium.

His pacing grows more erratic, he never wanted to leave his children alone, he didn't even know that his mate disappeared and now Tom has a son, who is a time traveller with issues and a mute daughter, who can only speak parseltongue.

Potter manor also has a few things to be desired. Most color themes are too Griffindor-ish and rather lacklustre in creativity. The luxury speaks for itself, it's just a shame that such a powerful pureblood family tainted itself with the blood of a mudblood. Tom knows that woman, before he was married to Raven, she begged him to bed her, she had no idea who he was. He didn't wish to be tainted in such manner, so he made the mudblood believe they had sex, when in truth they never had.

He shivers at the thought. At the reminder that witches like Lily Potter exist, or wizards like Amos Diggory for that matter. He glares at the ground, something has to be done, for the wizarding world to change. And quickly at that too. His fist bangs loudly against the desk, if only Raven were here, he would know what to do.

Tom sighs loudly and long, he has to take care of his children, they need to be his top priority for right now. Finding Raven is imperative to his further plans but their children are vastly more important than his plans. Theo is a fine heir already and so much like Raven in many ways. But he will need some time to get used to the idea that he has a father, who cares about him. And Natalie needs to knows that it's okay for her to speak.

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