🥀The Rose-Red Tyrant🥀

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Episode 1: New Acquaintance.

"You must be my new homeroom students. Hm, that's quite the unusual coat of fur. Do make sure that you arrive properly groomed." A man with black and white hair spoke.

"My name is Divus Crewel. You may call me Master Crewel. Now, take your seats. Class is about to begin. We're going to start with the basics."

"Oh, so he's the person who made my uniforms. I need to thank him after class." Mirana perked up with a small smile.

"And by that, I mean beating the names and distinguishing characteristics of one hundred herbs and poisons into your tiny brains. The mycelia are another matter. But eventually, I'm hopeful you'll be able to take a walk without putting anything poisonous into your gaping maws."

"For now, I realize you have all the self-control of voracious hounds. But I will not abide a single student failing this class. Expect to be drilled accordingly."

Classes went smoothly, with Crewel teaching them about different kinds of fungi and plants along with their benefits and uses.

Biology class has ended. Mirana approached Crewel before he could leave.

"Excuse me, Professor Crewel?"

He turned to look at the girl with a smile.

"Hello there Miss Moreal, what can I help you with?" He asked in a gentle tone.

"Actually, I wanted to thank you for the uniforms you worked so hard on. I appreciate it very much." She bowed.

Crewel lifted his arm up to pat the girl's head which made her slightly embarassed.

"I'm glad you like them puppy. I must go now, see you again at class tomorrow."

He waved at the girl before departing.

It was now time for magical history. The professor was quite older than Crewel, he wore a long maroon robe and was holding a black cat.

"I am your History of Magic teacher, Mozus Trein. And this is my familiar, Lucius. You are here to learn the rich history of magic, and how it has sculpted the world which you now so easily take for granted."

Mirana groaned quietly. She disliked the current topic. It reminded her of when she was forced to recite everything she learned from the 400 paged history book to her mother.

"I grade based on classroom behavior as well as the quality of work. Do not let me catch you sleeping. Now, let us open our books to page fifteen. As knowledge and awareness of magical energy began to spread across the globe from this point, this year is considered Year One of the Magic Era."

Putting her thoughts aside, she boredly listened to the professor while sometimes stealing glances from Ace who was nearly falling asleep.

Next was physical education class.

"I'm Coach Vargas, and physically educating your feeble little bodies is my responsibility. Great sorcery begins with a great physique. Behold the muscles you can build with a diet of raw eggs! A great mage needs a great physical constitution! So gimme twenty laps, and a hundred push-ups!"

"The forced exercise is bad enough, but meatheads like this guy drive me nuts." Ace whined. He then turned to the girl with a mischevious smirk.

"Hey, you sure you can handle this? Your small frail body might break fufu~." He teased.

Mirana looked at him with an irritated smile before speaking.

"One should never judge a book by it's cover, especially a lady."

𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 (𝘏𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘴)Where stories live. Discover now