🦁The Usurper From The Wilds🦁

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Episode 12: Unfair Trade


It was finally lunch break and the group made their way to the cafeteria. "Ugh. Professor Trein must have cast a sleepin' spell on me. I fought to stay awake, but he was sooo boring!" Grim whined.

"Yeah, "fought," sure. I heard you snoring five minutes in." Deuce sweatdropped.

"Grub time! What's it gonna be today? Huh, wait? What's going on? Why's it so crowded in here?" Ace said as the four saw that the cafeteria was packed with students and the line to get food was long.

"That famous bakery from out of town is serving up their goods. It only happens once a month! Their stock sells out fast, so you'd better hurry!" The ghost serving food told them.

"Gimme three of those chocolate croissants!"

"Woo-hoo, I actually snagged an egg sandwich this month! These things are AMAZING!"

"Egg sandwiches are now sold out! Only one deluxe ham and cheese left!"

Ace drooled at the sight of the delicious food. "Oh, man, everything looks amazing. I'm gonna see if I can grab somethin'." He quickly fell in line.

"Wow, they really do seem popular!" Deuce said as he checked out the food.

Enma seemed to want some of the food too so he turned to Grim to ask if would like something aswell. "Grim, what do you- Huh?"

But he was nowhere to be found leaving Enma and Deuce alone, he must have gotten food already. "Where did Grim go?!"

"The ravenous beast has gotten loose..." He sighed.

"Hey! Outta my way, losers! That grilled cheese is mine!" Grim yelled as he cut in line, catching the attention of the three and causing them to turn their heads at the commotion.

"Hey, no cutting!" A senior exclaimed while Grim just ignored him.

"A freshman, cutting in front of an upperclassman?! Time to learn you some manners."

"He's got such a one-track mind when it comes to food!" Ace said, sensing something bad about to happen.

"Let's go stop him!"

The three went towards Grim and tried to gey him to wait at the back of the line but the stubborn creature kept ignoring them. The two seniors got annoyed and readied to fight to teach them a lesson.

"You got some nerve cutting the line raccoon!"

Before chaos could break out, someone intervened and quickly grabbed Grim. "Grim, it's bad manners to cut in line, especially when other's have waited long." Mirana stated.

"I apologise for his behavior." She turned to the seniors and bowed slightly as a sign of apology. She then excused herself and the others and went to the back of the line.

Grim glared at the girl as he tried escaping from her hold. "Let me go human! I need to get that deluxe grilled cheese sandwich! Myah!" He exclaimed. After all of them got their food, they sat at a vacant table. Grim got unlucky and never got to try the deluxe grilled cheese sandwich because the last one had already been given to another person.

"My deluxe grilled cheese sandwich...all gone..." He said in a depressed tone as his head hung low.

Mirana felt bad for the creature so she placed her food infront of him. "Sorry Grim, you can have mine instead, I got it earlier." She smiled.

Grim looked at the food and his eyes immediately lit up with stars, infront of him was the very deluxe grilled cheese sandwich he wanted. He faced Mirana with a wide smile.

𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 (𝘏𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘴)Where stories live. Discover now