🦁The Usurper From The Wilds🦁

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(I'm sorry if this part took long to upload, I couldn't think of any scenarios for this one and my brain is just not working properly right now. I'll try to publish my other book when we go into the scarabia arc on this one, do note that it is also a twisted wonderland one but a crossover with another anime. I also got lazy and didn't reread this before posting it so please ignore any mistakes.🧍‍♂️)

Episode 13: The Downfall of Magic

Headmaster's Office

After classes, the group went over to the headmaster's office to discuss previous events that happened in heartslabyul.

"Headmaster, may we come in?" Ace knocked at the door twice before Crowley gave them permission to enter.

"Good day, headmaster." Mirana smiled.

"Ah. Thank you all for coming." He greeted.

"I'll get right to the point. Now that the Heartslabyul incident is behind us... I wanted to give you a proper debriefing on the matter. If you are to become mages, you need to fully understand the malady that befell Mr. Rosehearts." He stated.

"You called it "overblot," right?" Deuce asked.

"Yes, that is correct."

"My brother told me a little about that. He said that could happen to anyone who builds up too much blot. Sounds like Cater was pretty much on the nose with "berserker mode."" Ace shrugged.

"Yeah, but what is "blot," anyway?" Grim curiously asked.

"Ah, indeed. For your sake and Mr. Yuuken's, it would behoove us to start with the basics. I shall teach you all you need to know."

"Now, "blot" is a form of waste that is created as a byproduct of using magic. Just as cars run on gasoline, and in the process, expel dangerous gases as exhaust... Casting spells consumes magical energy, and in the process, expels blot."

"Who knew magic had a carbon footprint? That doesn't sound very healthy." Enma said as he furrowed his brows.

"Quite. Research into the nature of blot has been conducted since time immemorial. And yet, we still understand little about it. All we know for sure is that it is terrifically toxic, and excessive amounts can wreak havoc on a mage's mind and body."

"I guess that's why Grandma was always naggin' me to not overdo it with the magic, huh? Here I thought she just didn't want me to break stuff." Ace sweatdropped.

"Power and peril are two sides of the same coin. Even the greatest of mages cannot cast spell after spell without consequence." Crowley explained to the group.

"So you're tellin' me I'm gonna get sick if I keep usin' magic whenever I want?!" Grim exclaimed.

"Not necessarily. Hm, Perhaps a demonstration would prove more efficient than a mere explanation. Ghosts, assemble! I have a job for you!"

As soon as Crowley called for the ghosts, they immediately appeared.

"Huzzah! You summoned us, Headmaster?"

"Not these guys again?!" Ace exclaimed with a nervous face.

"Would you be so kind as to help me put these young students through their paces?"

"T-this seems like a bad idea." Deuce stated which went ignored by the headmaster.

"Yeah, okay. We'll go a round or two with 'em." One ghost said.

"Now, students, ready your magical pens. Prepare to receive a special lesson from your headmaster!" He announced to the group infront of him.

Everyone readied their magic pens and started battling with the ghosts, while Enma instructed Grim on what to do and where to aim his flames. Mirana didn't participate though because she doesn't like using her magic too much. After a good amount of time and battling, Crowley decided that it was enough and didmissed the ghosts.

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