🥀The Rose-Red Tyrant🥀

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(This is the longest part I have written so far. Heads up, I'm probably not going to write/include the other overblot victim's backstory because I only included Riddle's so that I could put his past with Mira because I can't think of any scenario to put it in except this. If you're wondering why I won't include the other's backstory it's because adding too much to the story makes me procrastinate more and I also have to attend to my other book. Sorry on behalf of my laziness🙇‍♀️)

Episode 10: A Forgotten Memory

Enma opened his eyes to see that he was in a completely differrent place. Everything was colorless, and as the boy looked around he spotted a child and a woman who was holding a cake with candles.

"Happy eighth birthday, Riddle. This year's birthday cake is a low-sugar recipe made with nuts and lecithin-rich soy flour to improve your cerebral function."

"That sounds unappetizing, really..." Enma mumbled as he continued watching the scene with confusion.

"Thank you. But, Mom... Just once, I'd like to try one of those tarts covered with bright-red strawberries..."

"Hold on, isn't that Riddle? Then, is this his past maybe..?"

"Absolutely not! Those tarts are monstrously unhealthy. I might as well feed you poison! Even just a single slice would exceed your recommended daily intake of sugar. Now, dinner tonight will be a tuna sauté rich in DHA and omega-3 fatty acids. Now that you're eight, your caloric intake should be 600 kilocalories per meal, so don't eat more than 100 grams of it. Understood?"

The child lowered his head and obediently answered to his mother. "Yes, Mom."

"It's his birthday isn't it? He should be able to eat whatever he wants."

"I'd always wanted to try one of those tarts with the bright-red strawberries. The local cake shop had them in the window. They shined at me like forbidden jewels." A voice behind Enma startled him as he turned around to see who it was.

"Ah, Riddle."

"That's enough classical magic study for today. Your homework is to read the first fifty pages of the philosophy of language book referenced in today's magical philosophy texts. You may now have one hour of independent study before your potionology lesson."

"Thank you, Mother." The child bowed.

"I need some time to prepare the lesson materials. I will see you in one hour, okay?" His mother then left him alone to study.

"I was studying every possible subject,
scheduled down to the minute. When I didn't understand something, the lesson was extended until I did. That was my "normal."" Riddle stated which made the other feel guilt build up in him.

The scene faded into Riddle's room, where he was studying on his desk. A sound was heard from the window that made the little boy look up from his work.

"...Is someone knocking on the window?"

"Whoa, he heard us!" A voice said from outside.

"Hey, come play with us!" A young boy happily said to the other.

"Oh, it's Trey and Che'nya." Enma said.

𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 (𝘏𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘴)Where stories live. Discover now