chapter 1

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Y/n's POV
„Hi, Y/n. It's so nice to meet you." A stunning, red-haired woman pulls me into a hug.
Caught off guard by this warm welcome, I slowly put my arms around her too. She hugs me even tighter. „Hi!" I say excitedly, happy that she's so nice to me.

The other Avengers also give me a quick hug or handshake and introduce themselves. Fury told me I'm going to be a part of a team of superheroes but he didn't tell me the team is so big. I'm going to have to learn so many names. I'm so bad with names.

„Let's eat. Food is the best way to get to know people." The hug-girl says.
Did she tell me her name?

We all settle down around a big table in the kitchen. I'm sitting between Natasha and the man with the big hammer. I forgot his name.
The hug-girl places a big pot of spaghetti with sauce on a trivet on the table. „Enjoy." She says smiling and sits down across from me.

The hug-girl is still smiling and I'm so occupied with looking at her pretty face, I don't even realise that Natasha is trying to get my attention.
„Y/n, Y/n, Y/n." I suddenly hear. I shake my head in confusion. „Huh, what?"

„I asked you how much spaghetti you want." Natasha says chuckling.
„Oh, sorry." I look at her plate. „Just as much as you got, please."
She hands me my plate and the room is filled with temporary silence while we are all eating.
„Y/n, how old are you?" The hug-girl asks out of the blue.

„I'm 21. How old are you, uhm..." Shit. I want to say her name.
„Wanda. Her name is Wanda." Natasha whispers in my ear.
„...Wanda." I finish my sentence, feeling pretty embarrassed.

„You're 21... That's great. I'm 22." Wanda says.

„Thanks." I whisper to Natasha.
„No problem." She mouthes back.

„Y/n. Tell us a bit about you. Where are you from? Do you have powers?" Tony says.
„Okay..." I clear my throat. „Hydra killed my parents and captured me when I was five, I think. Hydra experimented on me, that's why I can let plants grow. Three years ago, Fury and his agents saved me from Hydra. I lived in a small village for three years and had no access to the internet. But now Fury decided I should become an Avenger."

„I was also with Hydra for a while." Wanda says. „And Bucky too." She gestures to the metal-armed man. „I've never seen you though."
„Yeah, I haven't really seen anyone except for some guards and the Hydra people who experimented on me."

I feel like Wanda wanted to say something else, but the hammer-guy interrupts her. „What do you mean, you can grow plants? And I'm Thor, just in case you forgot my name too."

„Thor, yes. Thanks, I'm really bad with names." I chuckle awkwardly. „Anways, I think it's easier if I show you the plant thing." I hand him my seat cushion. „Throw it in the air in front of me."

Thor does as he's told and I let a twig shoot out of my hand, which quickly impales the cushion and only stops when it has already made a hole in the wall across from me. There is now a tree branch connecting my hand with the wall; the impaled cushion in the middle of it.

„That was so cool!" Thor says and begins to clap. Everyone quickly follows his lead and starts to clap too.
I'm a bit embarrassed and slowly make the tree branch disappear, causing the cushion to fall. It lands right in Wanda's plate and some sauce splashes onto her t-shirt.

Wanda's POV
Everyone starts to laugh and I laugh with them.

I look at Y/n and she looks so embarrassed. Her whole face is so red. „Oh fuck. I am so, so, so sorry." She exclaims.
The scared look on her face makes me laugh even more. „Sorry..." I mumble when I've finally calmed down again. „Don't worry. It's fine. I think it's hilarious."

The others are still laughing and I burst out in laughter again. I think Y/n finally realises that I'm not angry at her and also starts to laugh a bit. „I already love you, Y/n." I say and try to use a napkin to wipe the sauce off my t-shirt.

I didn't think it was possible but her already red face turns into an even darker shade of red.
I get up. „I'm back in a minute. I have to change into another t-shirt."

„Do you want me to help you- " Y/n starts. „No, that just sounded wrong. You don't need my help changing your t-shirt. I didn't mean it like that." Y/n covers her face with her hands.

How can a person be so funny? „Yeah, I think I'll manage alone." I reply drily. „Thank you for the offer though." I add and everyone starts to smile again, while Y/n literally dives under the table.

Totally Platonic (Wanda Maximoff x female reader/ friends to lovers)Where stories live. Discover now