chapter 5

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Wanda's POV
After lunch, Tony calls all of us into the living room.
„As always when we get a new teammate, we're going to celebrate this evening." Tony announces.
„Yes! So we have to wear something pretty and can get drunk." Natasha cheers and gives me a high-five.

„It won't be a big party though. It's just us and we'll play some games, so we can get to know Y/n better." Tony explains.
I also want to get to know Y/n better.

„Are you excited for the party?" I ask Y/n in a hushed voice.
„Yeah, I guess so. But what did Tony mean with games so you get to know me better?" Y/n whispers.
„We will probably just play Truh or Dare. Even though it's childish, it is actually great to get to know people." I whisper back.
We are so deep in our conversation that we don't notice Natasha coming over to us.

„What are you lovebirds whispering about?" We suddenly hear her saying.
„Lovebirds? I-I would never consider her as something more than a friend." Y/n asks confused.
So she couldn't imagine being in a romantic relationship with me.

I suddenly feel sad. The excitement I felt before about the party is gone.
Why are you even sad, Wanda? You don't even like her like that. She's just a friend. Stop imagining feelings.

Y/n puts her hand on my arm. „Are you okay? You seem sad." She looks me straight in the eyes.
I look away and shake her hand off. „Yeah, I'm fine."
Natasha looks at me with a questioning look on her face.
„I just-" I can feel tears fill my eyes. Why the fuck am I crying now? „I have to go to the toilet." I quickly say and rush out of the room.

When I arrive in my room, I close the door behind me, sit on the bed and let my tears flow.
A second later, I hear the door open. I look up, and through the tears, I see Natasha standing in the doorframe.
She hurries to me and pulls me into a hug.

„What's going on, Wanda?" Natasha asks me when I've finally calmed down a little.
„Nothing." I sniff and wipe my wet face with my sleeves.
Natasha rolls her eyes. „Is it about Y/n?"
I nod hesitantly.
„Did she do something bad? Do you want me to punch her?" Natasha offers, looking very serious.

I laugh a bit. „No, she didn't do anything."
„Then what is going on?" Natasha asks again.
„I don't know, okay?! It's confusing. When Y/n said that she would never see me as more than a friend, I got sad. And I don't even know why, because I don't like her like that. I only see her as a friend and nothing more."

Natasha smirks at me.
„Stop laughing, this is not funny." I complain and start to cry again. What is going on with me today?

„Okay, okay, sorry. First of all, Y/n was lying when she said that." Natasha quickly tells me.
„What?" I look up confused.
„Her body language definitely showed me that she was lying and she even stuttered a little. I mean, Wanda, she was definitely lying."
Does that mean she likes me? I don't believe that. But what if-

Natasha interrupts my thoughts. „Second of all, you are definitely lying too."
„What am I lying about? I just told you everything."
„You can't tell me you don't like her. You just cried because you thought she only sees you as a friend." Natasha is still grinning.
„Firstly, I don't believe you. I'm sure she does only see me as a friend. And Secondly, -" I sigh, „-you might be right."
Natasha starts to laugh. „I knew it!"
„Shut up."

Y/n's POV
Natasha told me to wait in my room while she makes sure Wanda is okay.
What's going on? Why are they taking so long.

I can't sit still and I'm nervously playing with the rings on my fingers.
Finally, the door opens and Natasha and Wanda step inside. Wanda's eyes look a bit red so she probably cried.
„Are you okay, Wanda?" I ask concerned.
She smiles at me. „Yes, I'm fine." She doesn't look like she's lying, so I don't ask her further questions.

„What are you going to wear?" I ask them curiously. They rush out of my room and come back a minute later with their dresses. Natasha's is a short and tight, black leather dress and Wanda's is a long silk dress in a dark shade of red.

„What are you going to wear, Y/n?" Wanda asks me.
I shrug. „I actually have no idea."
„Can I look through your closet?" Wanda asks me and I nod.

Natasha and Wanda start to look at all my dresses. After about five minutes, they turn to face me again.
„We like this one the best." Wanda says and Natasha holds out my short, dark green silk dress.

The next few hours we are slowly getting ready for the party. When Wanda steps out of the bathroom, wearing her dress, I am flabbergasted. She looks absolutely stunning. I can't take my eyes off her.
Wanda smiles nervously. „How do I look?"
„You look fabulous, Wands." Natasha gives her a high-five.
They both now look at me and expect an answer.
„You look stunning." I say, feeling how my face heats up.
„Thanks." Wanda smiles at me and I smile back.
„You are both blushing again." Natasha says, stating the obvious.

„Anyways, it's time to go." Wanda commanded. „We're already 10 minutes late."
Natasha goes out of my room and I follow her. Wanda is just behind me. „You look stunning too." She whispers and kisses my cheek. 

I immediately stop to walk, while Wanda runs out of my room. I touch my cheek to make sure it wasn't just a dream. A second later Natasha comes back in my room.
„What are you doing?" She asks, looking extremely confused.
„She just kissed my cheek." I mumble, still stroking the exact spot.
„Aah, so gay-panic?" Natasha asks smirking.

I nod slowly. „But how did you-" I start.
„How did I know you're gay? Well, it's kind of obvious. I mean, the way you look at Wanda." Natsha explains.
„I don't like Wanda like that." I say defensively.
„I never said you do." Natasha smirks. „Now let's go. We're already late."

Wanda is waiting in front of the elevator for us. She grins at me. I feel my breathing quicken.
Just breath normally, Y/n. It's not that hard.

I feel Natasha giving me a nudge. „You're staring."
We step into the elevator and Wanda holds out her hand for me to take. I just look at it.
„Take the fucking hand, Y/n." Natasha whispers aggressively.

I end up taking Wanda's hand and we three walk together out of the elevator.
„Everyone is looking at us." I mutter under my breath.
Natasha and Wanda smirk at me. „It's because we're hot."

Totally Platonic (Wanda Maximoff x female reader/ friends to lovers)Where stories live. Discover now