chapter 2

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Y/n's POV
Wanda has just left the kitchen a moment ago and I pull myself back onto my chair.
„Are you alright?" Natasha asks me, still laughing.
This was so embarrassing. „Yeah, I'm good. But can you guys please stop laughing." I command. „This was not funny!"

„It was quite funny." Tony says and everyone agrees.
„Shut up, Tony." I chuckle.

„You knew my name. Well done! You know the most important name now." Tony says.
„Very funny, Stark." Natasha glares at him. „I AM OBVIOUSLY MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU ARE." Natasha shouts and suddenly Tony and Natasha start to insult each other loudly.

„Don't worry. They do this all the time." A voice behind me says. I turn around. Wanda smirks at me. She's wearing a new t-shirt.
„You're back." I state the obvious.
„Yeah." She puts an arm around my shoulders. „Tony and Natasha made it a tradition to insult each other at least once every few days. Don't ask me why though."


„Wanna come to my room tonight? Natasha and I are having a sleepover. You are very welcome. We sadly don't have a lot of women here. I'm really happy to have you. I hate men."

„Yeah, me too." I agree with her.
„See, and I already like you even more!" She exclaims and hugs me again.

Natasha and Tony have finally stopped fighting and are now shaking each other's hands.
„Good fight?" Tony asks.
„Good fight." Natasha nods and walks over to Wanda and me.

„Is she coming to our sleepover?" Natasha asks Wanda.
„She is." Wanda says.
„What? I haven't even said yes ye-" Wanda puts her index finger on my mouth to shut me up.

„Of course you're coming to our sleepover." She says. „No discussion."
I start to smile and give her a nod. She pulls her index finger away from my lips. I follow the finger with my eyes until Natasha gives me a nudge. She looks a me with a questioning look on her face but I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

„Guys!" Natasha shouts. „Everyone, say good night to Y/n. We're going to bed now."
Natasha rushes out of the room. Wanda and I look at each other amused and follow Natasha quickly.

Wanda's POV
„What movie do you want to watch?" I ask as I sit on my bed and scoot over to the wall.
„Y/n can choose." Natasha says and I nod approvingly.
„Girls, I have no idea. I haven't really watched anything." Y/n says. She's nervously playing with her rings on her fingers.

This girl is so adorable.

„Okay, then. How about Pirates of the Caribbean?" Nat asks and I nod again.
Y/n agrees but she is still awkwardly standing in the middle of the room.
„Come here, Y/n." I wave her to me and she sits down on the bed. I pull her closer to me, so Natasha has enough space to sit.

Y/n is still playing with her rings.
„You don't have to be nervous." I whisper into Y/n's ear so that only she hears it. She almost immediately blushes.
Why is she blushing? I was trying to make her less nervous.

Natasha sits next to Y/n and puts a blanket over all of us. She then pulls out a bag of popcorn out of nowhere.
How did she just do that?! She's not the witch here. I am.

About halfway into the movie, Natasha says exactly what I was thinking the whole time, „Elizabeth Swann is so pretty."
„Oh yes, she's so hot." Y/n immediately agrees and keeps her eyes fixed on the screen.

I can feel Natasha's eyes on me and turn to look at her. She taps her temple with her finger which means I'm supposed to read her mind.
*She's definitely not straight, Wanda.*

I pull my phone out to text Natasha.

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I turn off my phone

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I turn off my phone. What the hell is she on about?! I am not attracted to Y/n.

After the movie, Y/n suddenly gets up. „I have to stretch." She grumbles and touches her toes with her fingers.
This girl is so funny.

„Do you guys wanna put on face masks?" Nat asks.
„Sure!" Y/n shouts excitedly and gets up from her stretch.

Natasha hands Y/n one of the little face masks. „You can put it on Wanda. We don't have a brush or something so just use your finger."

„Understood, Ms Romanoff." Y/n says and sits down in front of me on the bed. She then turn back to Natasha again. „I already know your last name. Are you proud of me?"
„Very." Natasha laughs.

Y/n turns back to me, her face suddenly quite serious. She opens the little bag and scoops some of the green face mask on her finger.
I love fingers so much... No, Wanda. Stay focused.

Y/n clears her throat. „Are you ready?"
I nod and she leans in a bit. She puts her left hand on my thigh to steady herself. I can almost immediately feel the goosebumps forming on my skin. I try to keep my breathing steady but it's really difficult.

Y/n starts by putting the mask on my nose and then spreads it on my whole face. Her fingers feel very soft against my skin.
„Why is it so green?!" Y/n starts to giggle. Her laugh is so contagious that I have to laugh to.

„Oh no. Now it's on your lips." Y/n says, still giggling.
She leans closer and uses the fingers on her other hand to wipe it away. The skin where she touched my lips is prickling and I have to resist the temptation to touch my lips too.

„Done." Y/n says smiling and goes to the bathroom to wash her hands.

Natasha quickly rushes over to me. „Not attracted to her, huh?" She whispers to me.
„Shut up. I have no idea what you're talking about."

Totally Platonic (Wanda Maximoff x female reader/ friends to lovers)Where stories live. Discover now