chapter 4

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Wanda's POV
I show Y/n her room. Somebody must have brought her luggage upstairs, because her suitcases are standing in the room.
„As you probably realised. you're on the same floor as me and Natasha."

Y/n nods. „Could I take a quick shower and change my clothes?"
„Yes, of course. I'm gonna do the same. See you in half an hour outside of your room." I leave her room and go to mine.

—30 minutes time skip—

She walks out of her room in shorts and a shirt which gives me a good look on her boobs. Stop it, Wanda. You're no better than a man.

I clear my throat. „Uhm, are you ready to go?"
„Sure." Y/n says. She looks at me and furrows her brows as if she was thinking about something.
„What's going on?" I ask her curiously.
„What? Oh, nothing. I just- nothing." Y/n stutters.

Weird. Why is she lying to me?

I show Y/n the whole building. We also go to the training centre in the basement where Natasha and Tony are doing hand-to-hand combat. (Natasha obviously wins.) After that I bring Y/n outside for a walk and I decide to walk alongside the river.

Y/n's POV
The river is so pretty, but sadly I fail to spot any fish.
Wanda suddenly taps my shoulder. „There's a frog, look!" She whispers and points to somewhere in the river. I don't see anything.
„Where?" I ask, still trying to find the frog with my eyes.
„There!" Wanda points again but I have no idea where she's pointing at.
„I don't see anything." I say.
Wanda chuckles. „Wait." She come up behind me and looks with her head over my shoulder and then takes my right index finger and points it to a rock in the water. „There." She whispers in my ear. Her lips are almost touching my ear which is sending shivers down my spine.

I shake Wanda's hand off and step away quickly.
„Yes, uh- I saw it. Uhm... thanks." I did in fact not see the frog but Wanda was making me nervous, so I had to step away.

„Are you alright?" Wanda asks me. „You seem kind of nervous or something?"
Shit, she sees right through me.

„What? Me? No, I'm not nervous." I turn around so Wanda doesn't see my face and I actually see the frog this time. It is adorable.

Wanda and I keep walking. It's kind of awkward because I have no idea what to talk about.
„The weather is great today." I say before I can stop myself. Did I really just try to talk about the weather?!
„Yeah, it is. Perfect weather for a walk." Wanda agrees.
„Yeah." I nod.

We turn to the right and go over a bridge.
After about ten minutes, there is a little shop on the side of the street.
„Do you want some ice cream?" Wanda asks me.
„Of course I do." I say and Wanda laughs.

We go inside and I choose lemon sorbet while Wanda takes chocolate.
Suddenly she turns to look at me with a smirk. „You can already go outside. I just need a minute."
„Okayy?" I say confused but step outside.

While I'm waiting for Wanda, I'm licking my ice cream. It's actually quite good.
Wanda comes out of the shop with a mischievous grin on her face.
What was she doing?

I bought you a bracelet!" Wanda exclaims and runs to me. „Look!"
I look at it and immediately start to giggle. „You seriously bought me a bracelet with a photo of you on it?!"

„Yes. I mean, why not? I'm famous." Wanda says. „You have to wear it." She grabs my hand and ties the bracelet around it.
I shake my head in disbelief. „You are something else, Wanda." I laugh.

„Leave me be. When you become famous, you can buy my a bracelet with a photo of you on it, okay?" Wanda says defensively.
„Me, famous? What?" I don't think I want that.

She looks at me concerned. „Well you're an Avenger now. You're going to be all over the news in a few days. I thought you knew that."
„I just never really thought about it. I don't think I want that."
She pulls me into a hug. „Hey, it's okay. You'll get used to it."

We stay in our hug for a while, even though it's quite difficult with our ice creams. When we pull away, she places a kiss on my cheek and I feel myself blushing. I quickly lean down to tie another knot in my shoelaces so she doesn't notice

When we have finished our ice cream, we start to walk back to the tower.
„Do you want to listen to some music?" Wanda asks me and I nod.
She hands me the right earphone while she puts the left one in her ear.

She starts by playing This is the life which is making me very happy. „Can we run, please?" I turn to Wanda.
She looks at me in disbelief. „What?! Why?"
„I love that song and I really want to run to it right now." I explain.
„Okay, sure. Take my hand." Wanda laughed.

I take her hand and we start to tun to the music. The music, the running and Wanda's hand in mine making me feel so euphoric.
I run faster and pull Wanda with me.
„Aaahh!" She screams. „Don't fall. If I die because of you, I'll kill you."

I just laugh at her and we both start to sprint.
The song is now almost finished, so we start to slow down.
„Oh my gosh, Y/n. I can't." Wanda says, breathing heavily. She lets herself fall on a patch of grass and without really thinking about it, I lie down beside her. We're still holding hands and nobody of us seems to want to let go.

„...I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips..."

I suddenly realise that we're listening to girl in red.
Is she gay?

I glance over to her. She's looking at the sky. Her cheeks are rosy from the running and her lips are slightly parted.
She's so pretty.

„You're staring." Wanda mumbles.
I immediately turn my attention to the sky. „Sorry." I murmur, quite embarrassed.
„It's fine. It's cute." I can hear that she's smirking by the sound of her voice.

She starts to rub the back of my hand with her thumb. I hear that she's breathing a little faster than before. Is she nervous?
No, Y/n, why would she be nervous? We're only holding hands platonically.

We stay in this position for a while. Just listening to music, looking at the sky and holding hands.
Only when my stomach growls, Wanda asks me if I want to go back to have lunch.

Totally Platonic (Wanda Maximoff x female reader/ friends to lovers)Where stories live. Discover now