chapter 3

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Y/n's POV
The next morning when I wake up I'm pretty confused. I look around and realise that my head is lying on Wanda's chest and her hand is in my hair. Natasha is nowhere to be seen. Where did she go?

Yesterday after the face masks we didn't do a lot. We just talked for a bit but soon went to sleep because we were all pretty exhausted.

I yawn loudly.
„Are you awake?" Wanda asks and I feel her taking her hand out of my hand.
I quickly sit up. „Do you know where Nat is?"
„No. Should we go look for her?" She asks.

I nod and she stands up and holds out her hand.
I take it and she pulls me up, but doesn't release my hand afterwards. Her hand fits perfectly in mine though, so I just accept it. Nobody of us mentions the fact that I was sleeping with my head on her chest and she with her hand in my hair.

We knock at Natasha's door but nobody answers so we decide to go to the kitchen. Before we enter the kitchen, Wanda lets go of my hand.
Natasha is sitting around the table with Tony and Thor.

„Where have you been? Why did you go?" Wanda asks Natasha.
Natasha starts to smirk. „Oh, you know. When I woke up Y/n and you looked very cosy and I didn't want to wake you up."
I can see Wanda blushing. This is so awkward.

But you know the best thing I did?" Natasha continues. „I took a photo of you." She leans back in her chair and looks very happy with herself.
„Do you want to see it?" She asks.

„I want to see it!" Thor and Tony say at the same time. Natasha shows them her phone.
„You look very cute together." Thor states.
„Absolutely adorable. You would make a great couple." Tony adds.

What? No, why would we make a good couple? We're friends.
„Aww, look at how red you two are." Natasha says to Wanda and me.
Am I red? Why am I red?

I get myself cornflakes and Wanda sits down next to me with a few slices of toast.
Tony clears his throat. „Y/n, as it is your first day, I thought that Wanda should show you around and tell you where everything is."
„Yes, I have to show you everything." Wanda says to me. „I don't want you to get lost.

„I would not get lost." I say, acting offended.
Wanda giggles. „Trust me, you would."
„Are you speaking from experience?" I ask smirking.
Wanda shakes her head but I know she's lying.
„Come on, tell me."
She sighs. „I locked myself in one of the rooms downstairs and the others didn't find me until like 10 hours later."

„Oh shit." I start to laugh.
She hits me playfully. „Don't laugh at me. I told you this in confidence."
I roll my eyes but smile at her. „Do you want me to make amends by making you a coffee."
Wanda nods. „Yes, please. Milk and sugar.

Wanda's POV
„Thank you, love." I say as Y/n hands me my coffee.
„You're welcome, Ms- oh, you never told me your last name."
„Maximoff." I say amused. Did I really not tell her? I thought I did.
„Oh that's so hot." Y/n whispers so quietly, I don't think I was supposed to hear that but I did.

„What?!" I ask, surprised.
„Fuck, did you hear that?"
„We all did." Natasha says smirking.
„Oh, anyways. It's just a cool last name." She says
I smile at her and we make eye contact. Her y/e/c eyes are so beautiful. I could look at them forever.

Somebody clears their throat and I realise that I've been staring at Y/n the whole time. She is now looking at the floor.
„Natasha, Thor and I are going to train. Wanda, don't forget to show Y/n the area." Tony says and they all leave the kitchen.

I turn to Y/n and get up. „Let's go!" I start to walk out of the kitchen.
„What?! Now?" I hear Y/n saying behind me and a second later I hear a loud bang. I quickly turn around and see Y/n lying on the floor.
I rush over to her. She looks like she is crying. „Oh my god. Y/n, are you okay?" I ask softly.

Just then I realise that she's laughing which makes me laugh too.
After about a minute we have finally calmed down and I help her up.
„How did you manage that?" I ask amused.
„My foot got stuck between the two chairs." Y/n says and rubs her knee.
„Are you alright?"
„Yeah, I just fell on my knee but it's fine."
„Are you sure?" I want to make sure she's telling me the truth.
„Yes, Wanda. I'm fine. Let's go." She walks away from me and shouts, „Where did you want to go?"

Totally Platonic (Wanda Maximoff x female reader/ friends to lovers)Where stories live. Discover now