chapter 6

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Y/n's POV
„Here you are." Tony says and hands each of us a drink.
Wanda and Natasha disappear to somewhere and I'm talking to some of the others. As soon as I've finished my drink, Tony puts another one in my hand.

Suddenly I see Natasha and Wanda coming out of the kitchen. They are carrying a big cake.
Everyone gathers around them and Sam pushes me to the front. Only then I can read what's written on the cake:

We're happy you're part of our team now!

Aww, thank you. This is so nice." I say smiling.
Natasha and Wanda come toward me an pull me into a hug. After a few seconds, everyone joins in and we're doing a big group hug. In the middle I'm very squished and slowly can't breath anymore.
This is very sweet, guys, but it's getting a little bit hard to breath." I mumble.

They all quickly pull away laughing.
I cough and Wanda hits my back a few times until I'm fine again.

„Thanks." I say with tears in my eyes from the coughing.
„No problem. I don't want you to die." Wanda puts an arm around me.

„Who wants some cake?" Thor asks loudly while Sam is cutting the cake.
I put my hand up. „I do!" I exclaim. Sam gives me a massive piece of cake.
I look at Sam astonished. „Do you really think I can eat that much?!"
„You can share it with Wanda." He says and looks like he's about to laugh. „Here are two spoons."

I turn around to look for Wanda. She's sitting on one of the couches. When she sees me looking at her, she tells me to come to her. I sit down beside her.
„Sam said we should share." I say, suddenly very shy.
„Okay, that's great." Wanda smiles and takes one of the spoons.
I balance the plate on both of our thighs.

We don't say anything while eating the cake.
„You can take the last piece." Wanda offers.
„No, it's fine. You can take it if you want it." I sayö
„No, you take it." Wanda insists.
I scoop the last bit of cake up and eat it slowly and with pleasure. When I look at Wanda, she giggles.
„What?" I ask amused.
„You have some cream on your chin and over your lip." She laughs.
I try to wipe it off. „Is it gone?" I ask.

She shakes her head laughing. „You just made it worse."
I try to wipe it off again and Wanda laughs even harder.

I try to stay serious. „Don't be a bitch and help me."

„Okay, okay. Hold still." Wanda says chuckling and grabs my chin. I get nervous and start to play with my hands.
„Am I making you nervous, Y/l/n." Wanda whispers, while she slowly wipes my face with her thumb.
I clear my throat. „Wha-at. Why- why would you?" I chuckle awkwardly.

„Y/n, come here." Natasha waves at me from the other side of the room. I squeeze Wanda's knee, grab my drink and make my way over to Natasha.
„What's up?" I ask her curiously, when I've reached her.
„We're probably going to play truth or dare like every time we get a new teammate. The only thing they'll ask is your sexuality, we don't go too deep yet. Anyways, what I wanted to ask you. Are you okay to come out? Because if you're not, I can make sure that question won't be asked."

„I'm fine with coming out. By the way, now that we're already talking about sexualities, I have a random question: Does Wanda like women?"

„Very random question, for sure." Natasha says smirking. „Why don't you ask her yourself?"
„What no." But before I can stop her Natasha already shouts, „Wanda, Y/n wants to know if you like women."

I just want to disappear. Why did she do that?
Wanda is still sitting on the sofa. She's looking me straight in the eyes, her left eyebrow cocked. „I do like women, yes. I am pansexual."

I realise that everyone is looking at me and cover my cheeks with my hands.
„Why the hell did you do that, Natasha?" I hiss.
„So she knows you're interested."
„I am not- I am not interested." I whisper aggressively but Nat just rolls her eyes.

Wanda's POV
Why did she want to know if I like women? Does she like me? No, don't be ridiculous.

Suddenly Tony sits down next to me. „Do you want to know if she likes women too?" He asks me. I can see how he's trying to not laugh.
I roll my eyes at him, but I actually do want to know. „I do." I say hesitantly. „But don't ask her like Nat asked me."
„But that's the only way she knows you're interested."
He looks at me apologetically and then shouts, „Y/n, Wanda's truth question for you is, what's your sexuality?"
Fuck you, Tones.

Everyone is looking at Y/n again and she downs her drink in one go. Her cheeks are very red.
„I am a lesbian and I need another drink." She says and walks over to the bar.
Tony gets up and goes to Natasha and gives her a high-five.
So Y/n does like women... I smile.

I go over to her at the bar. „Hi." She says, grinning at me.
„Hi." I sit down next to her on a barstool.

I get myself another cocktail. I can fell Y/n's eyes on me. I look at her and smirk. She quickly looks away and takes a big gulp of her drink.
„Y/n, slow down." I chuckle.
I then get up and hold out my hand to Y/n. „Ms Y/l/n, do you want to dance with me?"

„Yes, please." Y/n says, grabs my hand and jumps of the chair.
The music gets louder and some of the others also start to dance. Bucky and Steve have already been dancing for a few minutes.

While the music gets slower, the room becomes darker and darker. Soon the only person I can see, is Wanda. The others are only shadows dancing around us. Wanda puts her hands on my waist and pulls me closer. I put my hands around her neck. Our faces are only centimetres away from each other. Wanda lowers her head, so that her lips are right by my ear, and whispers, „Do you want to come to my room?"

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