Chapter 4: Reunion

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Tsugumi's POV

"Hey Eve. Where did Y/N and Masuki go?" I asked.

"I don't know. That's not very bushido if Y/N left us without saying anything."

"Yeah... You don't think the two of them are a thing... do you?"

"I saw how Masuki looked at him. Maybe they left to go on a date!"

"Good for Masuki. She seems to scare off any guy she's interested in. But if that's the case, I'm kinda disappointed that he chose Masuki over that one cheery girl he always talked about. That felt like true love."

"Wait... that girl he talked about. She ways always very cheery, her goal was to make him smile, and they met near a soft ball match. Is the girl Hagumi?"

We both looked at each other for a moment while the realization hit the two of us.

"EEH?!" We exclaimed in unison.

"Y/N thought he would never see Hagumi again but she's here right now! We have to find Y/N and let him know!"


The cool night spring breeze blew in my face as Masuki and I flew through the streets on her bike. The only noise filling these empty streets were the vrooms of the speeding motorbike and the conversation we were having.

"Tch, I still can't believe you like Hagumi of all people! Who knew someone would fall in love with a girl like her?"

"Can you blame me? She's always so positive!"

"That's the thing I can't freaking stand about her! Acting all like the worlds great and trying to make everyone smile. It pisses me off!"

"How can that piss you off? I think that's what makes her so great!"

"You know, you have a terrible taste in women."

"I don't care about your opinion."

"Whatever, we're here. Let's go inside."

The motorbike came to a quick halt before we got off and rushed inside CiRCLE.

"Welcome back Masking." The black haired girl at the desk said.

"Listen, Marina. Can you allow us backstage to see Hello Happy World? This loser wants to see Hagumi."

"Sure, I guess I can." Marina glanced at me with a smug look, "Say, why does this guy want to see Hagumi specifically? Is he in love? Or maybe... he's a pervert!"

"You're right about both of those things." Masuki chuckled.

"Hey! I'm not a pervert!... Am I?" I retorted.

"Well... HHW is on stage right now, but I could let you wait in the back for them. Why don't you guys follow me?"

Masuki and I followed Marina down a hall into what looked like a waiting room.

"You guys can wait here. Their performance should be done in a few minutes." She waved and left the two us alone.

"Why are you shaking, Y/N? Are you really that nervous to see her?" Masuki asked me.

"I guess... I  just don't know what to say to say to her."

"Whatever, I'm going to leave you alone. I don't want to be a third wheel to this. Plus I don't really like HHW anyways. Well, good luck I suppose." She left me alone in the room.

I could hear the muted performance that was going on in the other room. All I could do was sit and wait.

After what felt like an eternity, the door opened and staring at me were the five members of HHW. I heard a collective gasp from them as they all saw me sitting there.

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