Chapter 5- Fireworks and Fiances

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The dark night sky became illuminated from the bright flashes of fireworks. After a full day of riding rollers had finally come to an end, Hagumi and I relaxed and watched the fireworks together. Since today was the anniversary of Smile Land, they decided to have an extravagant firework show after dark. The two of us sat on the grass as we watched the colorful and vibrant show.

"Wow look at that one!" Hagumi pointed, "After it exploded, it looked like Michelle's head!"

"Yeah it did. I've never seen a firework show in person before." I said, "I don't think I'll ever forget this sight."

"Look at me for a moment. I want to give you something." Hagumi said. I turned to look at her. Before I could react, Hagumi leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"There, now you'll never forget this night for sure." She grinned.

For a moment, I looked at her in awe. As the bright fireworks illuminated Hagumi in the darkness, this moment couldn't feel any more dreamlike. To me, everything about her was perfect. Her beautiful short ginger hair, the way that she always proudly wore a smile on her cute face, and how the bright white dress she wore complimented her curves.

"Hmm? Why are you looking at me like that?" She questioned.

"Oh... it's just that I thought you looked beautiful." I blushed and then immediately started to beat myself in my mind for what I just said.

"Oh come on. Why did I say that? That sounded so cringy and lame!" I thought, "She's going to think I'm weird now..."

"Thank you! You're not so bad looking yourself Y'know."

She scooted closer to me until the two of us were touching and leaned her head onto my shoulder.

"I had such a fun time today." She said, "I'm glad that I was able to see you smile so much. Nothing makes me happier than the fact that I met you."

"Yeah, I feel the same. I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't met you."

"Let's make a promise. A promise that the two of us will always be there for one another to get through hard times and to make each other smile no matter what."

"Where's this coming from?" I asked.

"Oh... I was just thinking about what Kokoron said to me earlier. She said that if someone makes you smile, you should always treasure them and never let them go. Nothing makes me sadder than seeing people with no one to support them. It doesn't matter who you are, no one's born just to go through life alone."

"Of course Kokoro would say something like that." I chuckled.

"So pinky promise that we'll always be there for each other?"

"Yeah." We interlocked our pinkies and shook them. "It's a promise."

As much as I wanted to fulfill this promise, I knew it was near impossible for me to do so. This may be the last time either of us will be on a date together. It didn't matter what we wanted, as long as my family and the Tsurumaki's wanted that marriage, Hagumi and I couldn't be together. I couldn't muster up the strength to tell her what happened. I couldn't tell her that I would have to marry her best friend. How could I break her heart like that?

Looking at the colorful fireworks, I tried to focus on the date between Hagumi and I. Truly, I never wanted this moment to end. Hagumi still wore that innocent and pure smile on her face as she excitedly looked at the show. I quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek. I'm thankful that it was dark out, otherwise it would be very apparent that my face was a deep shade of red. The two of us sat in silence for a few moments. I could tell that she was flustered as well.

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