☆Chapter 1☆

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~mature content:P~ 

   His wet lips on my neck, his hot breath in my ear, his hands all over my body..it felt so right. He had my arms pinned to the bed, while he kissed me repeatedly; his body pressed tight against mine. His mouth soon found my sweet spot, making me call out his name with pleasure; then, he began screaming my name...quite harshly actually. "JENNY! JENNY!! GET THE FUCK UP JENNY!!!" I shot up in bed, frantically looking around. Fuck. "What the hell were you dreaming about? Your face is beet red, and you look terrified." My older brother, Fred, cackled at my appearance. "Shove it, and get out!!" I yelled, throwing my pillow at him as he ran out of my half doorless room, still laughing. "Motherfucker." I muttered to myself while falling back into bed, my head hitting the pillow with a thump. My mind started replaying the dream I'd just had, of course ruined by my annoying older brother. He'd die if he knew what I was dreaming about, and kill a certain someone, who, I dreamed about. I breathed out a deep breath, and sat back up, pulling my comforter off of me. I sat criss-cross applesauce in my plaid pajama pants and tank top, putting my cold hands on my hot face in an attempt to cool myself down. Suddenly, my door opened again, "Fred, I told you to get the f- oh." There he was, tall and lanky in my doorframe, giving me a lopsided grin from where he stood. All the heat rushed back to my cheeks, and I was silently praying it wasn't visible. "You okay? You look a little uncomfortable." He chuckled. "Y- yea, I'm fine." I laughed awkwardly. He gave me an amused look, then said, "We're about to head out for burritos, then jam a bit, you wanna come?" My eyes lit up, "Yes, always!" His grin grew bigger, "I'll make them wait as long as I can. If they ditch us then I guess we'll just have to walk alone together." He winked at me before exiting my room, leaving my heart fluttering and my face even hotter than before, if that was even physically possible. Oh God, he was so perfect.
   Wesley Louden Borland...the crush I've had since 6th grade, when Fred and him first became attached at the hip. Due to that, we've practically grown up together. All of us have. One of us three was always at one of the other's houses, we could never be apart for too long. Despite Wes only being a year older than me, he had always treated me like just a little sister. When all I wanted was more, for him to like me back as more than a friend. Here lately he'd started flirting much more, playing games almost, trying to see what he could do to me. Oh if he only knew. Don't get me wrong, it made me very happy he'd started showing interest...but it was confusing when I couldn't tell if it was because he genuinely liked me; or if it was just him being bored. Regardless of all that, he'd always been there for me no matter what; he was the one who'd seen me at my best and at my worst, and refused to leave no matter what. Besides Fred of course. All those thoughts ran through my head as I got dressed. Baggy black pants, a Sublime shirt, Vans, and a ball chain necklace. I threw on some basic makeup, too lazy to do anything else. I'd grown up with all these guys, I didn't need anything special. I raced down the hall of our messy, falling apart apartment we all shared; I guess you could say it really put the (falling) "apart" in apartment. My straight brown hair whipped behind me from how fast I was running, racing to get to the guys before they ditched me.

  "Whoa! Slow down there Aphrodite!" Wes said, laughing as I smacked right into him. My face heated up at the nickname he'd started using for me. Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty. When Fred and the other guys questioned it, Wes had lied right out his ass by saying it was a type of tropical Hawaiian flower, knowing him and I were the only two actually educated on things like that; of course they all dropped it after that. His smile he was giving me melted my heart. "Sorry." I apologized sheepishly, out of breath from my apartment run. "Alright, ready to go now!?" Lethal asked, impatient to get burritos.

Morning burritos, a ritual we'd had for a while now. Ever since we all moved in together...which is another story for later. "Yea, lets go." I said, smiling as I began walking towards the door. While everyone else ran to the door, Wes gripped my arm, keeping me back with him, behind everyone else. "Walk together?" He asked, smiling as he towered over me by 10 inches. "Always." I smiled back. We always made sure to stay behind everyone else, to have a nice peaceful walk, able to talk and enjoy our mornings together. But something new happened as he pulled me closer to him, his arm snaking around my waist as we walked. A smile broke onto my face and a blush appeared. I was glad he probably couldn't see by how tall he was. We continued to walk, following all the other guys' hoots and hollers ahead of us on the vacant Floridan boardwalk.

There it is, chapter one! I hope you guys all like it so far:) There was like no Wes fanfic anywhere, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Let me know if you have any ideas, I'm always open to suggestions although I may not use them all so don't be offended if I don't :P Thanks so much for reading, have a great day/afternoon/night!!^^

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