Chapter 2

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Upon reaching our local burrito joint we went to nearly everyday, Fred slowed and fell back with Wes and I...right between us might I add. I shot him a glare and he gave me an innocent smile right as he forced his way between us, his arms going around our shoulders and Wes' arm slipped off my waist. I sighed in defeat as we walked through the door and to our usual, designated table. It was filled with carvings and doodles birthed from us over the years. The owner was nice enough to not get rid of our table, or try and erase all we'd done...that and he was convinced Limp Bizkit would be something someday; meaning he'd probably try and get money out of it. Oh well, at least we have our table right now.

Fred attempted to sit down with us on either side of him, but his attempt failed when Wes said, "I have to use the bathroom, be right back!" And ducked out of Fred's grip before he could object. So with Fred to the right of me, and me on the end of the table, I knew Wes wasn't gonna be able to sit beside me. But when he came back, he forced Sam to move over so he could sit in the chair directly in front of me. Giving me one of his lopsided smiles, I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear right back at him.

The waitress, Carma, came to take our orders then, she always took our orders. Fred and her flirted like crazy everytime, it was so obvious they both liked eachother and it bothered me he refused to ask her out anytime I tried to talk to him about it. Maybe someday though...they would be so cute together.

Then I started daydreaming about Wes and I, would we be cute together? I think so. My thoughts were interrupted by Wes' leg trailing up mine. I looked up, startled, to see him smirking at me and using his head to gesture at Carma waiting to take my order. "Oh! I'm so sorry." I chuckled nervously, distracted by Wes' leg under the table. "Um, I'll have my usual, you already know." I said, noticing Wes stopped playing footsie under the table. Carma smiled and nodded before sending Fred a wink and walking off to give our orders to the cook.

Wes was looking down at the table, playing with a straw wrapper. I took this as my chance, so I kicked my feet up, placing them in his lap. He looked up at me, a questioning look on his face. I just shrugged, acting like it wasn't important and was just something normal to do. 'Keep your cool Jenny.' I told myself, trying to prevent getting embarrassed. He smirked then, and I got really nervous. He put his hand in the opening of my pants and began trailing it up. Of course he was too far away to actually do anything, but coming from him, it was enough to send shivers up and down my spine. "WES!!" Fred yelled, making Wes jump and yelp in surprise; yanking his hand out of my pants leg. The few other people in the restaurant turned to stare, I just dismissed them. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Fred knew. "Y- yea?" Wes asked, terrified for himself. "I was asking if you'd completed that new riff I was telling you we should do." "Oh- um yea, nearly. I just got the last 10 seconds to fill up, nearly there." He chuckled weirdly. "Oookaaay then.." Fred said suspiciously, while eyeing both of us. I just avoided looking at him, and started a conversation with John about his favorite drum.

Our food came and we all devoured it, then Fred paid and flirted with Carma more...then finally, we headed back outside. "Ready to go jam out!?" Lethal yelled, getting all the guys worked up and excited. I just chuckled at their happy grins and goofy movements.

Wes eventually fell back with me, the same grin on his face that always made my heart flutter. "You excited to hear us play for the ten billionth time?" He asked. "Of course I am." I chuckled. "Good, cause these fingers can do great things." He smirked, winking at me as his arm went back around my waist; gripping me tightly. My face turned 1000° as I tried to hide it. "Aw why you blushing. I'm the guitarist silly. I don't know what you were thinking." He poked my shoulder playfully, knowing exactly what I thought and why I thought it. He leaned down to my ear whispering, " really wanna see what else they can do.." "Wes!" I exclaimed, smacking him on the shoulder and hiding my face in my hands. He just laughed, "You're cute when you get flustered y'know that?" I groaned in frustration and embarrassment as he placed his arm around my waist once more, pulling me into him as we walked. I decided on leaning into him, embracing this moment and his amazing smell; despite how embarrassed I was.

There's chapter 2! I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading. Have a great day/night:)

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