Chapter 10: Who Are You Now?

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      Wes and I stood together in the storage room, having just put our clothes back on. Wes seemed very calm, like he knew what was going to happen or something, but I on the other hand, was scared. "What now?" I asked the question I was scared to ask. "Wes looked up at me and smiled, "Now, I make us a life." I was so confused, what on earth was he talking about. This boy had no sense of future planning and no sense of being smart when it came to finances or anything; and he was telling me he was going to make a life for us? "Um, huh?" I know, that was a stupid response, but I was utterly confused and caught off guard. Wes' sure expression fell and he began to fidget with his hands, becoming nervous, "Well um, isn't that what you wanted? A life with me? A place of our own? Where we can be together? Just you and me? Forever?" I could not believe what I was hearing. Who was this boy? Seemed more like a man to me now at this point but like, was he shitting me? "I- yes, yes of course that's what I want Wesley." I responded, nervous. Wes seemed to get increasingly nervous, if that was even possible as he began, "I- um- will you...will you m-" "Mr. Borland!" Someone yelled, swinging open the door of the store room and marching in. "What on earth are you doing back here?! And who is this?! If you don't want to get fired then I suggest you march your ass back out there and get back to work, NOW!" The man yelled at Wes. Wes nodded as the man added, "And you young lady, you don't work here, so I suggest you get out of here before I call security on you." I nodded, scared. Wes put his arm around me and walked me out of the storage room. "Here's my new number," he said, pulling a piece of paper out of his wallet, "Call me, and we can plan to meet up sometime soon. Please." I nodded and gave him a huge hug, but a quick one so I could get out of there before anymore trouble was caused. I began to run out as Wes called after me, "Aphrodite!' "Yea?!" I called back, stopping and turning around. "I love you!" he called. I swear my heart stopped beating for a second, "I love you too!" I called back, he smiled his big lopsided smile and I ran out, heart full of love.

    On the walk home I couldn't help but wonder what he was about to ask me. Could he have been about to, no way. Wes would never commit to anything like that. But he has been changing...and for the better. My thoughts were racing as I thought of all the possibilities, and before I knew it, I was back at Head's with no groceries. I told him everything that happened, well, almost everything;) He was happy for me, and understanding that I forgot the groceries. "I think you should head home in the morning Jen, you need to talk this out with your brother, especially since it seems like you guys are planning on big things together." I sighed, knowing he was right. "Okay, I'll go home first thing tomorrow morning." Head smiled, squeezed my thigh in a friendly gesture, and got up to go to bed. "Head?" I asked. "Yea?" he responded. "Thank you for everything." I got up and gave him a big hug. "You're welcome, and welcome here anytime." He smoothed my hair and let go, smiling. I smiled back as he walked off.

    The next morning I got up early, and started walking home before Head woke up; I thought last night was the perfect goodbye for now and I didn't wanna have to do it again. As I walked home I got increasingly nervous, I was scared Fred wouldn't find Wes' new-found attitude enough to let us be together. So instead, when i got home, I decided to leave that whole encounter out, even though Head told me to tell him, but I only told about the part where I stayed at Head's for the night. Fred was pissed at me for just taking off, but he said he assumed that's where I went. Neither of us brought up Wes, and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

    I went to my room and debated on calling Wes. 'Maybe I should just text him and tell him to let me know when he's off work.' I thought to myself, not wanting to bother him on the clock. I also decided I should get a job too, why on earth should he have to do all the money making? So I decided that first thing in the morning I'd go look for a job. I shot Wes the text, and then decided to take a nap.

    Dreams of Wesley danced through my head. All these scenarios where we're married, living together, and even having kids floated around my mind. They were good dreams don't get me wrong, but by the time I'd woken up they left me feeling empty inside. I sighed and looked around my room, remembering all the good times spent in this apartment; with all the guys...but especially Wes. I rolled over and picked up my phone, he'd responded.

   "Home by 9pm, call then?<3"

    His text instantly brought a smile to my face and butterflies to my stomach. I looked at the clock, 8:53PM, I grew very nervouscited. I couldn't wait to tell him my plans for the morning, but what if he'd changed his mind and didn't wanna be with me anymore? What if he'd decided that it was all too much work and that I'm not worth it? All these thoughts raced through my head, and before I knew it, it was 9PM.

    I took a deep breath, and called him. He answered instantly, almost as if he was waiting by the phone for me. And as soon as he answered he started going on and on about plans for our future, what our apartment will look like, when we can move in, and a whole bunch of stuff. I didn't even have time to tell him my plans. I started laughing and he stopped and asked, "What?" "Who are you now, Wesley?" I replied, with a big grin on my face. "I'm the guy who realized I'd better get my act together or I'd lose the woman of my dreams. Life's too short to stall, I want you forever Aphrodite." He responded, making my face heat up with excitement. "I need to see you tomorrow, I need to ask you something important." He told me. "Okay." Was all I could muster out before I had to hang up because I heard Fred walking towards my room. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you more.' He answered back, right as I hung up.

    Everything was perfect.

  Hey guys thanks so much for reading! I hope you're all having a great start to your week, and year. Happy new year guys!!! I'm so excited to see what this year has to hold. Be sure to vote and comment your opinion on the story so far! I hope you're all enjoying it. I'll try to get out another chapter soon, school just started back for me and I've also got work and my other classes will be starting back next week so I'll be fairly busy. But I'll try to get out some more chapters, they may be a bit shorter than normal though it all depends. Anyhow, thank you so much for reading, see y'all on the next one!<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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