Chapter 9: Toxic In You

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    Head took me back to his apartment where he made me a hot cup of tea and I told him everything. He shook his head, "Sounds like your brother's pretty pissed." I sighed, "Yea, I think 'pissed', is too much of an understatement. "I just don't know what to do at this point, I mean Wes is gone to Lord only knows where, Fred wants to kill me, and i just don't know anymore." I sighed, lost and confused. "Look, I know things are really hard for you right now, so feel free to stay here as long as you like." Head told me, smiling warmly. "Thanks a lot, that would really help me out. But I promise I won't stay more than a couple days." Head nodded, putting down his cup of tea, "Alright, well I've got band practice to go to, wanna come? Or stay and get settled in?" "Well as long as I'll be here I'd like to contribute. Need any groceries? I'll head to the store and pick some up for you." I said, I didn't wanna just be a bum to him, I genuinely wanted  to help. He smiled and told me that would be wonderful, and just to pick up whatever I thought the apartment needed. I nodded and headed out the door right behind Head, taking a left while he took a right.

I started walking and let my mind wander, "where could Wes be? I hope he's not hurt. God, he could be living on the side of the road right now for all I know." I sighed, deciding that was enough wondering for now as I headed down to the local Walmart.

Wes' POV:

After Fred kicked me out I went down to the gas station to get cleaned up. 'God I'm such an idiot, I should've actually talked to Jen like she wanted me to and then we wouldn't be in this mess. I hope she's okay.' I thought to myself while bagging groceries at the local Walmart. Yea, I'd gone from being in a band to being a checkout boy. Nice. I was trying to make enough money to support myself and get an apartment of my own. I'd decided that the best thing to do was to get myself set up and then go back for Jen. I wanted to be with her I truly did, but for some reason I just couldn't tell her. Anytime she asked about it I chickened out like the loser I am. 'She deserves so much better than me.' I thought to myself, looking up at the next customer.

Jen's POV:

'He deserves so much better than me.' I thought to myself, looking up at the cashier.

'Oh shit.'

I was about to cry, i couldn't do this, not when he just walked out on me like that. But, I tried to keep myself composed. "Um, uh, how are you? I see you got a job." I said, trying to make normal conversation. "I'm alright." Wes answered. My mind wasn't telling me what to do, but something else sure was when I asked, "Wes, do they have a storage room here we can get to?" "Um yea, why?" he asked, confused. "Because you're on break now." I said, grabbing his hand and taking him with me so he could lead the way to the storage room. All the people behind me in line started a ruckus, complaining and calling for Wes to come back; but we were running away from all that, hand in hand.

We got back to the storage room and started making out, shirts came off and he had me against the wall. Between hot and heavy kisses I said, "I think we're toxic for eachother, but I love the toxic in you."

All Wes said was:

"I'm gonna put my toxic in you."

Okay guys that was it for chapter 9! I hope you guys liked it! Be sure to vote and comment your feedback on it for me to read. Leaving you guys on this spicy cliffhanger hehe. I gave a look into to Wes' POV as well, let me know if you liked that and want more of it. I plan to keep it mostly to Jen's POV unless they're not together like in this chapter's example. I hope you're all having a great week, and merry late Christmas to those of you who celebrate! It's almost a new year and idk about y'all but it's gonna be my year. (Says every girl every new year loll) but still, imma make this one a good one! I hope y'all will too. Thanks for reading<3

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