Chapter 3

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The sun was high in the air but as we got in the limo and were being rode off to the park, i found myself checking time over and over again, never wanting to leave his side. I clambered into the limo and so did he after changing into jeans and t-shirts, his black and very tight... I could see the muscles in his shoulder bulge. There was a window that separated us from the driver, and leather seats without seat belt along the sides.

Before, while we ate, we had a long pause of talking so we ate. But, he kept looking at me strangely, like i was his meal or something. I saw the same thing in his eyes that i saw in the Gorilla's at the zoo when i was holding Timmy's bacon bits. It resembled a strange jealousy or even curiosity.

"Your deep, you know?" I finished our earlier conversation.

"Really?" He looked out the window, past me and outside. "Im not deep."

Pause. "I have an idea." I said, not sure what it was. His eyes looked to me as i folded my arms. "Describe me in one word, then i do it for you, then you for me and so on. Like it?"

"Are you sure your 23?" He laughed, his face gaining two soft creases around his nose, making him even more attractive. Then, he stopped, and nodded. His head bobbed down, as if he thought. "Relaxed."

"Ha!" I fake laughed, "I'm anything but! i just finished me last year of university and I'm anything but relaxed. I have to find a job, pay back my dad for the house, and now manage my whole freaking life!"

"Wow. I have a movie and all I'm working now but nothing at all similar to that... Stressing, but different." He stated, raising his eyebrows.

"Okay, you must be loud." He raised his eyebrows even further and began laughing a bit. He was so perfect when he did that... But accidentally, just slightly, just by utter mistake, i think i sighed. Just a bit. Just in the slightest. And i think he heard....

"Loud?" He repeated. "That-" pause for effect and raising his hand to point at me, "is true. What about me seems loud?"

"I don't know. The way you talk, the loudness of it and all?" I chuckled back.

"Bliss." He looked to his feet. I saw his knees bounce with the rode.

"What are you British?" I joked, forgetting the creamy accent he had.

"Yes." He leaned his head back, as did i. "Blissful"

"Um... I don't know? Yes? I guess?" Gosh he was cute and confusing. "You are confident. Overconfident."

"Snap" he laughed at what he thought was a joke. "But, no. Im 30, I'm not in a relationship, Kiera Knightly says I'm a bad kisser, and I'm getting old..." He seemed to gush out his insecurities like laying them on the table. I was a bit taken back and didn't know what to say...

"I cant say i think any of that is true... 30 isn't old, you'll find someone and who's anyone to say your a bad kisser?" I leaned forward, one sentence running in my mind that i prayed he wouldn't say.

"Thanks but, you haven't kissed me..." He just sat, i think he blushed a bit but i just felt so bad! He was so- so everything and who was this POTC ass to say anything? But then it hit me, was this an invitation to kiss? What? No! Not the Orlando Bloom but let me just admit that if he was up for it- id be there in a heart beat.

"Virgin." He pipped up, the words coming out in a loud sigh. Like they were saying - 'might as well?'

"Excuse me?" I was a bit shocked. "I am not a Virgin! Im 23!"

"Well, i was just curious!" He started laughing a bit but just under his breath. "When was the first time?" Ha! Personal!! He still laughed though.

"None of Mr. Bloom's business!" I put my hand to my heart comedically but i was also not going to tell him that...

"High school was mine..." He started.

"Oh my god!" I was shocked, "no, no, no!"

"It was pretty bad, as i didn't know what i was doing..." I covered me ears, slightly grossed out but, i had one secret, i was actually a virgin...

"See, i can spot one a mild away! You have to be!" He was smiling vigorously. I was embarrassed but, unfortunately my acting was horrible. "That's totally okay."

"Lets not talk about this, hey?" I said, blushing and embarrassed... Now Orlando Bloom knew that i was a 23 year old Virgin.

"If it helps, its not that your not attractive, you really are... Have you ever been drunk?"

"Yeah! That i have done." I looked everywhere but him. Silence rested over us like a cloud until we stopped and the door swung open. Orlando was i don't know- personal and very attractive all the same as being scary.

We walked out of the limo and out into the morning sunlight. "Do you like being famous?" I finally asked as we crouched down beneath the tree in the corner, we raked his hand through his long hair in curls, the other setting himself down.

"Yeah..." He paused, "for the most part. I don't like not being able to go anyplace... Without being bugged."

"I wish-"

"Don't- your life is great already." He started but i looked over to him before i packed my back into a crease in the tree. He did the same close to me.

"I wish" i started over, "that my parents weren't divorced." His eyes shot over to me and he sat up, his hand through his hair again and one leg bent up.

"Oh, I'm sorry... Does it bother you?" Plain question....

"Of corse!" I wish my parents were together more than anything but no, that was ruined love. "That's all i want!"

We said no more for the longest time and just sat there with our backs pressed against the tree. None of this seemed real to me. After a while, i think i dozed off, but there came no tap on my shoulder or no voice until I finally woke up. I looked around me, Orlando lay beside me.

Actually, he had his hand awkwardly laying on lay upper leg, though it looked comfortable. My head had been laying on his shoulder, just flopped there. I brushed the hair away from my face and immediately checked my phone. It had been 5 hours! I've waisted my only day with Orlando Bloom asleep! Now, it was 3pm!

I tapped Orlando's face, just gently on the cheek. I took a heavy breath smelling the cologne. He took a sudden breath and awoke.

"We fell asleep." I laughed a bit taking out my phone, flashing the time in his face.

"Woah! That was a long time! Im so sorry, Ann, that was like, 5 hours... I owe you." His hand still rested on my lap, not moving. "Maybe we can plan another day?"

"Oh! Okay." I was flooded with joy and chills, his hand sending fireworks through my body. "Like, in a week or so?"

"Well, i was thinking maybe tomorrow?" He said, smiling a bit. "Im acting next week."

"Oh, yeah sure!" Oh my god.

"By the way, the room in your hotel wasn't booked for tonight, but i would let you stay in a spare room at my place." At. His. Place. Orlando's freaking house!

"Corse." I said, simply acting cool and keeping my promise to him.

"Come on", he literally jumped up and hauled me up with him. We walked off to the road, he texting a number on his phone. The limo came up soon and we were whisked off like in a fairy tale to wherever was on his mind.

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