Chapter 12

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Inpu's POV:

"I am. It's good to see you again. I usually don't look like this. It's just what I look like when I'm stuck into the Corridor of Time by Khonsu." Cal said.

"Also, Inpu. How the fuck did you get us all here? You can't control this space. Only Me and Khonsu can." I pointed at Shino.

"Him. Put the child of Death with a child of Cal together and you get this. I can control souls, remember?" I said.

"That still doesn't make sense... Shino isn't fully just Cal's blood. He's anothers blood. But Cal won't say who." said Khonsu. He glared at Cal. Cal raised his hands in defense.

"It's not important. It never needed to be told." said Cal, in defense.

"Well. Now it is. Who is the dad, Callum?" asked Khonsu.

"It's not important, Khonsu! Why do I need to say that!" yelled Cal.

They continued to fight. Horus eventually joined the argument. Shino made his way beside me. I was watching the group fight. I smirked. Then laughed lightly in amusement. Shino looked at me confused. I looked right back at him.

"What's so funny?" asked Shino.

"They need to use their brian. They have a child of Death, the God of the Moon, and the God of light here. If they used their bRain, they could figure out who your father is. I mean. I already know who it is. But I want them to figure it out." I said.

Shino giggled in response. Then nodded. And joined me in watching the chaos. Bet Set would like this. All of them are fighting. All of them create chaos in a peace filled place. But he's not here now. He won't torment us anymore. I thought, a little sad. I had a semi-sad look on my face.

"You ok, Inpu?" asked Shino. I looked at him. Then nodded.

"I'm fine. Just some sad and bad memories. It's in the past, anyways. It's not in the current time or in the future. It was in the past." I said.

"You sound very smart, Inpu." he said. I laughed lightly.

"Guess you could say that. I have always been known as 'the walking encyclopedia'. Could count as a complement in a way." I said, smiling lightly.

"Ah. That makes sense!" said Shino, happily. I then pulled out my book. Shino looked at it a little confused. I smiled at him.

"This is the book I would use to hit Solis on the head. I was always known to carry a book with me everywhere. It was the one way I could get answers. I used to always depend on it. I couldn't do anything without it. Eventually... it couldn't help me anymore." I paused to let it sink in. My face sank a little. From a smile. To a sad expression. Shino then motioned me to continue.

"Then I lost my arm to Seductive Rose. Long story. But, after a while I got my shadow arm. That was my new 'crutch' in a way. I leaned onto that power for so long. But once I couldn't use it against an enemy, I felt so powerless."

"Hey. It's ok Inpu. Not everyone is this super powerful person alone. Sometimes you need someone with you. To make it so you can push on. Yeah, it's easier alone so that others won't be hurt, but you yourself will be badly injured. Physically and Mentally..." said Shino.

"That's pretty wise, kid. There's not a shred of doubt in my mind that you're not Cal's kid." I said. I looked back at the 3 ding dongs. They were still fighting. I sighed in annoyance. Shino just groaned. He threw his head back, a little annoyed with the fighting. He then looked at me with a serious face.

"You wanna tell them, or should I?" asked Shino.

"You go ahead. I wanna see if they can figure it out." I said. I then curled my tails beneath me and sat on them. It may seem uncomfortable. I mean. Sitting on your own body part? Sounds painful. But actually it's very comfy. I mean it's a fuzzy pillow basically. It's like when you sit on your leg or something in a chair. Like that, but fuzzier.

"Guys!" yelled Shino. They all either ignored him or didn't hear him. I mean, they are pretty loud. So I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't hear him. I could barely hear him. And I'm the one with the Jackal ears. Pretty strong ears, I must say.

"GUYS!" screamed Shino. They all immediately shut up. Then I looked at Shino.

"Now that I finally have y'alls attention. Hopefully you can finally use that shared bRaincell of yours. Who here can tell who's their parents just by Soul?" asked Shino.

They all put their one bRain cell together and thought. Thought really hard. Well, more like Khonu and Horus did. Cal, I assume, already knew but just wanted to be amused by them. He was smiling lightly. Bet he doesn't want to say anything. Because if he does, then everyone will know. I thought. Very smart Cal. Very smart.

"Well. Inpu... Would you like to say who my father is?" Everyone looked at me with wide eyes. My appearance had changed.

"Gladly..." I said.

"What do you mean, 'like to say who his father is'?" asked Horus.

"Well. If you actually thought for a moment. You would've thought of the fact that I can tell you." They all gave me the most confused look. Then there was a light bulb in their minds. I smirked lightly.

"I can tell you who Shino's biological and godly parents are." I said. I smirked at their confusion. They all looked at me with wide eyes. Khonsu then walked towards me.

"Well?! Who is it?!" Khonus said, annoyed. I raised my hands in defense. He got really close to my face. I decided to mess with him a little bit. Get a little fun out of it. I smirked lightly. A not super noticeable smirk. But I definitely felt the corner of my mouth smirk.

Probably a little evil. But do I care? They deserve it. They should have used their bRain instead of thinking too much into it. I mean, that's my thing. Not theirs. I'm the one to overthink things. Their freaking gods.

"Geez... Angry much?" I said, teasingly. I smirked at him in amusement. Seems like I hit a fuse... I thought. I watched as he continuously got more and more pissed. His ears got reder and reder. He was so furious. I leaned back a little bit, watching his fuse burst.

"WHO THE FUCK IS IT, INPU?!" yelled Horus, extremely annoyed. I frowned.

"Geez... No fun. Why doesn't Cal say it, hm?" I said, smirking. Cal glared at me in anger.

"What the hell, Inpu." he said, glaring at me.

"You're the one who knows. It's not my secret anyways. Your child knows who his other father is. I'm the only one who knows who the godly parent is. But that doesn't matter." I said.

"If you say who his godparents are, Then I'll say who the other father is..." said Cal, 'menicalling'.

"Fine." I looked at everyone and continued on with "But this must not leave this area. No one will know unless we're safe..." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"His godly parents are in this room with us..." I said, cryptically.

"STOP BEING SO FUCKING CRYPTIC!" yelled Horus. He got really close to me. Too close for comfort. He was also glaring at me. I raised my hands in defense. He then backed up a little bit. But he was still glaring.

"Fine. You... You're his godly parent..." I said, pointing at Horus. They all looked at me with wide eyes. Even Cal was. I can only assume that he wasn't expecting that.

"It makes sense. If you thought for a moment, Shino's powers make sense. Shino's 'quirk', as his old world would call it. It's light magic, just like Horus."

I paused for a moment. I opened up my book of Gods. Flipped through the pages quickly, trying to find someone specific. When I found it, I stopped on the page. Looked at them all. They all kinda pushed me to continue on. I looked down at my book. And read what I had written down.

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