Chapter 21

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Cal's POV:

"Cal... It didn't work because you had kept Shino a secret from us. We couldn't try to stop Seductive Rose from getting him. Seductive Rose had Arti around his finger since the day he turned 16 years old..." said Lychee, nervously.

"So what you're saying is that we need to stop Seductive Rose before he wraps Arti around his finger?" I said.

"His 16th birthday has already passed... I'm not sure if he's already done it, or if he's waiting until he's half way turned back to normal..." said Lychee. He was biting his nails nervously. I closed my eyes.

"What if-... What if we went to go see him?" I mumbled. I opened my eyes to look at Lychee. He was giving me a wide eyed look. A look that made it seem like his eyes were gonna pop out. Lychee then looked at the ground, thinking.

"That- That might be a good idea. But what about Khonsu?" he asked. "Aren't you stuck here because of him?"

"It'll be fine. I will deal with it when I come back." I said, confidently. I'm so dead when I come back... I thought, terrified.

"Are you sure?" asked Lychee. I nodded.

"Now come on! The coast is clear!" I grabbed his hand. I then teleported us outside of the Corridor of Time. Let's go help Artemis... I thought.

At Monarch Academy:

Rikku's POV:

"Artemis is awake..." I looked at him with wide eyes. Arti's awake? I thought, excitedly. He's ok?!

"He is?!" I yelled, excitedly.

"Go ahead and go inside," said Ronin, motioning us to go inside.

"Thank you, Ronin!" I yelled. I ran inside the room. I saw Arti sitting up and talking to Venus.

"ARTI!" They both turned towards me. I ran towards Arti. I then hugged him tightly. Artemis sat there utterly confused. He slowly hugged me back.

"Rikku?" he said, confused.

"You're ok!" I yelled, happily.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." He paused for a moment. We let go of eachother. I looked at Arti confused. He looked at Venus with a confused look.

"How long have I been out? Venus?" asked Arti, confused. Venus looked at me. Then at Database. Then back at artemis.

"Arti... You've been out all day... Almost a day and a half. Is there anything you didn't tell us, Atri?" aske Venus confused. Artemis looked at us confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah. Venus... What do you mean by that?" I asked, also a little confused.

"Um..." Me and Atri look at him confused.

"Venus. What aren't you telling us?" Database asks, seriously. Database comes to the right of me and looks at Venus with a confused look. Venus just looks at us all, then sighs.

"You're..." They paused , debating where to go with this.

"Tell them, Venus. They were worried about him. They deserve to know..." said Ronin, seriously. Venus nodded. Then I looked at Artemis with a serious look.

"Your bone structure is shifting..." said Venus. I looked at them with wide eyes.

"What the hell does that mean?!" yelled Database.

"It means that things are coming and going in his body." said Venus, nervously.

"I-I'm shifting?" said Arti, terrified.

"You can call it that..." said Ronin, casually. I glared at him. Then walked towards him.

"How the fuck can you stay so calm?!" I yelled at him in anger. I stood on my tippy toes to face him. To get up in his face and just go at him.

"Calm down, Rikku..." said Ronin.

"Calm down?! Calm down?! How the fuck can I be calm when my friend might of been dying! Look at Venus! They're even freaking out! You're the only one being calm!" I yelled out. I threw my hands up. I was about to throw fists at him. But Database grabbed me by the waist. And put him between me and Ronin. I glared up at him in anger. He looked down at me with a slight worry on his face.

"I understand a lot is happening... But please calm down, ok?" he said. I took a breath in and out. I closed my eyes, and lowered my head. I then opened my eyes. Looked at Database. Then nodded.

"Sorry..." I paused and looked at Venus. "Please continue on, Venus" Suddenly, the door slammed open.

"Artemis!" huffed a voice. I spun around to look at the person. They had one hand on the door, one hand on their leg. They were trying to catch their breath. Their golden hair falling in front of their face.

"S-Shino?!" gasped Artemis. I looked at Shino with wide eyes. Oh no... Database is gonna interrogate him as soon as he can... I thought. I looked at Database out of the corner of my eye. He was looking at Shino with a curious look. I looked back at Shino.

"Are you ok?" I asked, worriedly.

"I heard what happened... Are you ok Arti?!" yelled Shino, going up to Artemis. He went up to Arti, checking him out. Not the weird way. In a way of looking for injuries.

"Shino and Rikku. Can we talk for a moment?" asked Database. He was motioning out the door. I looked at him, and nodded. I walked out the door, Shino following in suit.

"We'll give you some space. We'll be back soon..." said Database, before he shut the door. He then led us outside, all the way to the fire pit thing. I sat down on one of the benches. Shino sat on the other one.

"What do you need, Database? What's the reason for calling us both?" asked Shino, utterly confused. I just looked at my hands, studying them. I was trying to distract myself. Just enough that I wouldn't be shaking in terror.

"Rikku?" I jumped, and looked at Shino with wide eyes.

"Y-Yes..." I stuttered out. I mentally cursed myself for stuttering. You're not very convincing, Rikku... I have to stay calm, and let Database ask them. I'll just respond with simple answers, and stay quiet when not talked to... I told myself.

"Are you ok? You're shaking... Did something happen between you and Database? Is that why he called both of us?" asked Shino, worriedly.

"I-I'm fine..." I said, looking back at my hands. I continued to breathe shallowly to calm myself. Shino nodded at me.

"Shino..." He paused for a moment.

"Rikku told me that you went to visit your parents. Although they're dead. She said that there was a note... What is all of this about?" asked Database, questioningly. I tensed up at my name. Oh god... Here we go... I thought, terrified.

Shino's POV:

I landed on the grass. I nearly fell over, but just barely caught myself. I looked at the grass completely in utter shock. How is it my luck that I see my parents again... and I find out who my other father is... then I lose it all. 

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