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(Trigger warning: talking about not eating)

"Hey," Hailey whispered, seeing Kamryn sound asleep against Jay. He was awake and looked pretty shocked when his wife walked in.

"Hey, what are you doing home?" He asked, carefully getting up. Kamryn stirred a little bit, but never woke up fully.

"My daughter needs me home more than the FBI needs me in New York right now. Is she okay?" She asked, gently kissing Kamryn's head while she slept.

"She just said she wasn't hungry and didn't eat all day. Then she played, fell and passed out, sprained her ankle in the process. I talked to her a little bit, she got really worked up so they gave her a little sedative to help her fall asleep. Just keeping her overnight to watch her." Jay explained, sitting with Hailey while they watched Kamryn sleep. Both were trying to figure out what to do, how to bring it up to her, and what they needed to do moving forward.


Kamryn slept until morning, waking up to the blood pressure cuff squeezing her arm.

"Morning Kam," Hailey whispered, sitting on her bed carefully.

"Mama?" The girl asked, sitting up a little. She thought she was dreaming.

"Yeah. I'm here. I came home," she smiled, pulling Kamryn close to her and laying beside her on the bed.

"I'm sorry," Kamryn mumbled, sighing as she pulled the blanket up more.

"I wanted to come home anyway. As much as I love what I do, I hate being away from you and dad," she sighed, pulling her closer. "But you can't do this again honey. It's so bad for you." Kamryn just nodded, listening to her mom.

"I just got really anxious," Kamryn told her, looking up at her.

"I get it honey, but you still need to eat. It sucks but you need to make yourself eat something. Okay?"

"Okay," Kamryn sighed, snuggled up against Hailey.

A little bit later, they came in with some breakfast for her to eat before they would take blood to make sure that was the problem. Kamryn still didn't have much of an appetite but made herself eat a little as Hailey had told her.

Luckily after eating, the bloodwork all came back normal and the girl was allowed to go home with her mom and dad. The anxiety was slowly wearing off now that Hailey had come home, and she was becoming more herself again.

Hailey and Kamryn were both home and watching movies on the couch while Jay was out doing some surveillance with Kevin. Hailey was watching her close but paused the TV as she decided they needed out of the house.

"Come on, let's go for a little drive," Hailey smiled, grabbing the keys to the Jeep off the hook. Kamryn smiled a little, getting up and heading out with Hailey. They both got in the car, got on the expressway, and headed out of Chicago.

They drove for about an hour and a half listening to Kam's favorite playlist on her phone before they found a small family diner that they'd never heard of before. Hailey figured it'd be a good time to talk with her daughter and make sure nothing else was going on.

"You'd tell me if something was going on right?" Hailey asked, testing the waters to see how Kamryn would respond. Kamryn nodded with a smile, finishing her bite before she spoke.

"I know I can come to you about anything mom, and dad too." She smiled, taking another bite of her burger.

"All I needed to know baby." Hailey smiled, finishing up her lunch as Kamryn did.

After paying, they headed back out to the Jeep and started heading into the little city.

"Were you scared?" Kamryn asked softly, looking over at her mom.

"I was in the hotel when your dad called. The second he told me, I was looking up flights to come home. I got a red eye at the airport and I was home within 5 hours." Hailey told her, looking over before they left.

"I'm sorry mom," she sighed, leaning against the passenger side window.

"I'm not mad at you Kamryn. Not one bit. But I don't like hearing that you didn't eat. You need to make sure you eat some kind of something throughout the day. Even if you're anxious. I know I sound like a broken record." Hailey said as she started driving into the little shopping area. Kamryn loved little trinket shops so when they found this little area, Hailey knew they had to stop.

They did a few hours of shopping before it hit 5 in the evening and they started to head home. They had a very long talk the entire way, and it had both of them feeling better about the recent events.

As they pulled into the driveway, Jay pulled right in behind them. All 3 of them exited the cars, Kamryn getting out and going straight to her father for a hug. Jay never questioned it, just hugged his daughter tightly.

"How about a game night tonight?" Jay suggested, looking down at his daughter.

"With pizza?" She asked, looking up at her father.

"Whatever you want kiddo. Bet you 20 bucks that I'll beat you in UNO."

"You're on old man!" Kamryn smiled, all 3 of them heading in and getting the game set up on the coffee table. The pizza showed up later, and they ate as they continued to play. Kamryn won with the "plus 2" card on Jay.

"Boom! I win! You owe me 20 bucks!!" Kamryn laughed, wanting to jump up and celebrate but being careful of her ankle. Jay smiled and pulled a 20-dollar bill out of his wallet, handing it over to his daughter.

Both parents were just happy to see their daughter happy.

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