Epilouge Part 3

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—1 Year Later

It was finally the day that Kamryn was becoming Mrs. Morrison. She'd barely slept the night before with all the excitement coursing through her. She couldn't wait to see her groom and start a new chapter of her life, one she'd always dreamed of.

"Kam, you awake?" Hailey asked, quietly pushing the door to her daughter's childhood bedroom open.

"Mhm," She mumbled, pulling the covers over her shoulder.


"My bed is comfy," She sighed contently, "Do I smell cinnamon rolls?"

"You do,"

"Can we eat them in here?"

"As long as you don't make a mess all over your bed," Hailey joked, setting the plate down on the bed.

Jay joined them a few minutes later, eating a roll himself and enjoying the time with his girls before the day got crazy.

They soon went to the beautiful church that was hosting the wedding and Hailey went with Kam to start getting ready. She'd decided to do a first look with only her father as she was superstitious and didn't want any bad luck on her wedding day.

Her hair and makeup were done together before everyone else's and she was getting more and more nervous as time went on.

"You okay?" Hailey asked, noticing all the signs of her anxiety.

"Yeah. Just nervous," she nodded, "but I'm so excited,"

"I know. I'm happy for you baby,"

"Keith is getting ready now," his mother smiled as she walked in. "Kamryn. You look beautiful,"

"Thanks, Mary," she beamed, looking over to her dress that was hanging up.

Everyone else got their hair and makeup done before it was time to get changed and see her father. Hailey helped her get into the white, lace dress that was complete with a full A-line skirt and a glittery belt.

Jay was waiting in the reception hall, watching the doors as Kamryn came through them.

"Who are you and what have you done with my little girl?" He asked, shocked by how beautiful his daughter looked. He started tearing up, covering it with a little chuckle. "You look beautiful Kam,"

"Don't cry dad, then I'm gonna cry," Kamryn chuckled, dabbing her eyes before the tears fell.

"I'm not crying. Come here," he beamed, hugging Kamryn tightly. "When did my little Kamryn Grace get so grown?"

"It happens dad,"

"Sometimes I wish that I could take you back to this," he smiled, pulling a picture out of his wallet. It was an old family picture of Kam's first day of kindergarten, Hailey and Jay were kneeling on either side of her as she stood in front of her new school. "You were 5. And so cute. And now you're so grown and getting married. You're gonna start your own family. I'm so proud of you sweetheart,"

"Dad I'm gonna cry,"

"Don't ruin your makeup," he joked, kissing her head before they headed back to finish getting ready.

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