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"You ready honey?" Hailey asked as she parked in a spot at the school.

"I guess" Kamryn replied, grabbing her bag and walking in with Hailey.

Luckily everyone on her team was super supportive and thought nothing of Hailey being there. They knew Kamryn was having a rough time after the coach explained to go easy on her.

"Alright girls, popcorn drill let's go" Jamie yelled, getting everyone's attention. They all got in 2 lines, starting to pass the ball back and forth to each other, keeping it in the air consistently.

Hailey watched as Kamryn hit the ball a few times, got a few other drills done, and got on separate teams to play a mock game. They were all trash-talking each other when Hailey noticed Kam laughing with her teammates.

Hailey: You were right. They're playing a mock game. She's down there laughing and trash-talking with her team.

Jay: Good. I figured you being there would help. Sometimes she just needs mom and dad.

Hailey smiled, watching Kamryn play and dive for every ball she could. She was pretty amazed that she hadn't blown out a knee or ankle by now.

After 3 hours of nothing but volleyball, the coach released the girls to get their things and head out.

"Can we stop at home so I can take a shower?" Kamryn asked as they both got in the Jeep again.

"You can stay home tonight if you want. I can have Adam and Kim come stay with you?" Hailey suggested, knowing Kamryn wouldn't want to stay home but giving it a shot.

"I wanna stay with you and dad," Kam told her with no hesitation.

"Okay. We'll go home. You get a quick shower, then we'll go back. You gonna go to school tomorrow?" Hailey asked, looking over at her daughter before backing at the road.

"Can I stay? No practice." Kamryn asked, mumbling a little. She didn't want Hailey to tell her she had to go but was prepared for it.

"Yes, you can stay with us tomorrow," Hailey nodded, pulling up to their house. "No funny business. In and out, okay?"

"Yes ma'am" Kamryn smiled a little, getting out and going in with her mother.

Kamryn went upstairs, taking a fast shower and putting on her favorite pajama pants, a random T-shirt, and a CPD hoodie that she stole from Hailey.

"Ready?" Hailey asked, chuckling at the sweatshirt, as she got a nod from Kamryn. "Let's go kiddo"

They headed back to the hospital, going up to Jay's room and getting settled for the night. They had figured out that the couch could actually convert to a double bed so Hailey was going to sleep beside Kam.

Once Kamryn was fast asleep, Hailey sat by Jay's bed for a while.

"I saw a poster at the school. Has she mentioned anything about homecoming to you?" Hailey asked him, Jay shook his head.

"Our daughter doesn't really seem to be into that stuff. Maybe in 5th grade but not now." Jay chuckled.

Kamryn was never really into makeup or doing her hair. She usually wore the same kind of outfit every day, leggings or jeans, a T-shirt and a jacket. She rarely wore heels, and always wore her Converse or Keds.

"Maybe not but I hope she would go one time." Hailey sighed. She never went to anything extracurricular but wanted Kam to experience it.

"Maybe she will. But with a group of friends. She's still too young to start dating."

"Jay. She's 16. She's gonna start rebelling if we don't loosen the reigns a little." Hailey chuckled a little. Jay was so protective over their kid.

"She's my little girl Hailey. I can't just let go that easily" Jay chuckled, looking over at the girls sleeping form.

"I know she is, I honestly can't believe she's 16. She can start driving," Hailey sighed, hating that Kamryn seemed so grown up.

"She doesn't touch the Ram," Jay told his wife seriously. Hailey laughed, knowing his matte gray Ram was just as precious to him as their child.

"She's not allowed to drive the Jeep either. It's a cop car." Hailey chuckled, staying quiet so Kamryn would stay asleep.

"So we probably should get her a car." Jay sighed, looking up safe cars for teenagers.

"Well if she can't drive ours, we probably need to. Otherwise, we're dropping her off and picking her up for the next 10 years" Hailey chuckled kissing her husband, "I'm going to bed. You should too"

"I guess. Night" Jay smiled watching Hailey lay down next to Kam.

Kamryn immediately rolled over, cuddling up to her mom which Hailey didn't mind. Jay knew Hailey probably wouldn't sleep but she'd cuddle Kam all night, keeping her cozy. They turned all the alarms off since Kam wouldn't be going to school in the morning. Jay was due to be discharged and they were hopefully heading home so she didn't mind keeping her out for another day.

(A/N: sorry it's so short! Wanted to knock one more out tonight!)

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