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Jay and Hailey were outside the treatment room doors, while the doctors took Kamryn in quickly. She'd had one more seizure in the ambulance and asked where her parents were several times.

Voight found the couple, heading over to where they were waiting for news of their child.

"Kamryn was the victim?" He asked, getting the parent's attention, who both nodded. "How is she?"

"Concussion is all we really know. She had 2 seizures so far and threw up a few minutes ago. She's barely answering us, but she asked where we were," Jay filled in, knowing the concussion symptoms before they even made it to med.

As Voight was about to speak, Dylan Scott came out to speak with the parents and let them know how their daughter was. Will was in there for comfort since Jay and Hailey couldn't be, so they looked in as Will was talking to her.

"She's got a pretty severe concussion. Bruising on her forehead and a black eye. Will was in there the whole time, talking to her and she's starting to slowly come back. She's been asking for mom and dad," Dr. Scott informed them, leading them into the room. "How's your head feeling Kamryn?"

"Hurts," she whispered, barely making a sound.

"Can she sleep?" Jay asked, looking to the doctor who nodded.

Hailey nodded to Jay, who sat with Kam, playing with her hair to soothe her to sleep.

"I don't know how much we'll get out of her tonight, she's got a pretty severe head injury," Hailey told Voight as she shut the door to Kam's room.

"She's our only witness,"

"2 minutes," Hailey sighed, opening the door again and walking in with their sergeant.

"Kam, you gotta stay awake a little longer okay?" Hailey spoke very softly, knowing her head was probably pounding. "Do you know what happened?"

"Hmm?" Kamryn mumbled, opening her eyes slightly.

"What happened?" Hailey asked, still pretty hushed but playing with her hair to mostly keep her somewhat comfortable.

"I don't know. All I remember is counting money," the girl mumbled, trying to keep her eyes open.

"It's okay baby, just go to sleep," she sighed, kissing her bruised head before turning back to Voight. "I can't make her, she's too...she's foggy,"

"We'll try again tomorrow, if she tells you anything let me know,"

"Yeah," Hailey nodded, watching Voight leave before sitting back by Jay and her child. "Can you go get her some pajamas? We have to wake her up in an hour anyway,"

"Yeah, I'll be right back," Jay nodded, kissing Kam's head before he got up and grabbed his keys. "Let me have your gun. I'll put it back in the safe,"

Hailey nodded and pulled the holster off her waistband, handing it to Jay before he kissed her and left.


Kamryn slept the whole time, only to be woken up by a soft shake and a few voices.

"Hey Kam. Wake up honey," it was just her mom, so she slowly peeled her eyes open and looked up at her. "What's your full name baby?"

"Kamryn Grace Halstead,"

"How old are you?" Jay asked, looking to the teen for an answer.

"17," Kamryn answered, really working hard to keep her eyes open.

"What is your uncle's name?" Jay asked, getting her pajamas out of the bag.


"Okay don't go to sleep yet honey, let's go get you in some pajamas," Hailey tried but when she looked back, Kamryn was already sound asleep. "So much for that idea,"

Jay chuckled, pulling her back onto the couch with him. "Our child has become a hospital magnet,"

"She's worse than you. She needs that danger magnet I got you,"

"It's on the fridge," he chuckled, watching Kamryn sleep a little.


They woke her up several times that night to ask her questions, which she got all right.

In the morning, Voight showed up again while Jay was getting breakfast for Kam.

"I'll be right back," Hailey told her daughter, squeezing her hand before she walked out to her boss, "I tried a few times. She told me she just remembers counting the cash and 2 men shattered the door,"

"Anything on either offender?"

"No, she's still really out of it. She knew her name and age, and birthday. But no description on any of the offenders,"

Voight nodded and headed back to the district, leaving Hailey and Jay to be with their daughter.

"How's she doing?" Kim asked, noticing Voight come up the steps to the bullpen.

"Hailey said she's still out of it, pretty bruised up from what I saw,"

"So no description?" Adam asked.

"Just that there were 2 of them," Hank shrugged, looking at the board, "what about security cameras?"

"None. Business across the street has one facing it but it's too grainy for facial rec," Kevin filled in, looking at more pod footage.

Jay came up later, with Kamryn's phone giving them full permission to go through it.

"What do you have so far?"

"Jay maybe it's best if-" Adam started, getting cut off by the detective.

"No. Don't do that. This is my kid we're talking about. She was alone, I wanna know who did this," Jay told his boss with a stern voice.

"We got nothing. All we know is there were 2 of them,"

"What about her truck?" Adam asked, seeing it parked right where the backup camera was facing the door.

"What about it?" Hank asked, getting both his and Jay's attention.

"It's parked right by the door. It had a rearview camera, didn't it?" The man asked, standing up to get back to the computer.

"Yeah," Jay asked, a little confused at where he was going with it.

"Look at this," he said as he motioned to the computer. "Lights blink twice, and then stay on. means she started it, right?"

"She usually does when she's almost done so it's ready to go when she is," Jay answered, "Where you going with this?"

"If her truck was started, the rearview camera was active. We can get in and see what it saw,"

"Ruz, you're a genius,"

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