Chapter 7- The Field Trip

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Beatrix's POV

"Morning, benders," Jay says as we walk up to the guys.

"All right," Simon says.

"This is it. The Swanage field trip is legendary for carnage. It's the only reason I chose geography." Jay says.

"Seems like a flimsy reason. Unspecified carnage." I say. He smirks at me and throws his arm around me and kisses the side of my head.

"I'll tell you one thing that won't be flimsy. My cock." Jay says. I gasp and slap his chest.

"We should try and have a laugh, do something different," Simon says.

"We could go on a boat trip. I checked online, they hire boats from the harbor." Will says.

"The internet really is wasted on you," I say.

"No, I don't know we should try and get off with the local girls, or get some booze in or something," Simon says.

"Everything we're shit at here, but by the seaside. Yeah, can't wait." Will says.

"We could light off a flood of fireworks in our room," Neil says.

"Could do. Might be a bit pointless." Simon says. We start walking onto the coach, stopping when Will speaks up.

"Neil, what are you doing?" he asks.

"Getting on the coach," Neil says.

"But you don't do geography or sociology," I say.

"I know that," Neil says.

"So what are you doing getting on the coach to the geography and sociology field trip?" Will asks.

"Jay was going on about how mental it all was, and I really wanted to go, so I asked Mr. Kennedy if I could come and help him out," Neil says.

"Pedo Kennedy?" I ask.

"He said yes, presumably?" Simon adds.

"He did, actually," Neil says.

"Who's Pedo Kennedy?" Will asks.

"Geography teacher and pedo," Jay says. I kissed the back of his head, I was behind him on the stairs.

"I don't believe the school would actually employ a pedophile," Will says.

"They have done," Jay said.

"The thing is, they haven't, have they?" Will counters.

"He was caught in the music cupboard wanking over the school orchestra," Simon says.

"When?" Will asks.

"Before we started." Simon answers.

"Convenient. What's he asked you to do, Neil?" Will asks.

"He's got to collect a load of samples," Neil says.

"What, of your spunk?" Jay asks.

"Collected in his mouth," I add. Jay laughs and high-fives me.

"And hair," Simon adds.

"Behave," Neil says. We all climb into the coach and make our way to the back. Simon sits next to the window, Will next to him, Neil next to him, Jay next to Neil, and me next to Jay.

Carli gets on the coach and waves. Simon waves back but soon pretends to mess with the buttons above him as it became obvious that she wasn't waving at him.

"Still going well with Carli?" Will asks.

"Shut up," Simon says.

"Here he is," Jay says. We turn our attention to the front and see Mr. Kennedy walk onto the coach.

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