Chapter 1-First Day

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Beatrix's POV

"Beatrix!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I groaned and sat up.

I was starting at a new school today. I had some stuff happen at my old school that drove me to transfer.

"I'm up!" I yelled back.

I got out of bed and walked toward my closet. I was informed that the school was getting rid of its uniforms. Thank god. After staring at my closet I decided on a gray Ramones cropped t-shirt, leather short shorts, fishnets, black doc martens, a jean jacket, and a black beanie. I slipped on some jewelry and headed downstairs.

I grabbed water and walked outside to my car

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I grabbed water and walked outside to my car. I had a meeting with the head and the head of sixth, Mr. Gilbert.

I was sitting in a room with four other new kids. They looked like freaks, except for one boy with glasses and short curly hair.

"You could be friends with us," the fat kid between me and curly said to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Pass," I said. I turned my attention back to Mr. Gilbert. Curly started talking.

"Mr. Gilbert you seem an intelligent man..."

"Oh! I seem intelligent. How lovely of you to say." Mr. Gilbert interrupted.

"No, I just meant-"

"I've long since been insecure about my capacity for learning, so it's nice to have it ratified by you, a child."

"What I meant was, do you think these badges that single us out as new kids are a good idea?"

"Yes. If you have any more views on it, I suggest you join the school debating society. Obviously, you'll have to start one first."

I laughed and we were allowed to leave. On my way out I threw my badge in the trash. I followed curly to our class.

"Is this 6B?" he asked a random kid who was playing a video game.

"Yeah." He answered not looking up. I made my way to an empty seat beside a boy with gelled hair, having only the front pieces sticking up.

"Great. I'm Will." Curly said to the random kid.

"God just had a meet with the head and his pet ape, Gilbert. What's his problem?" Will said to the random kid.

"What?" he said looking up at Will.

Slowly everyone started getting into their seats. Mr. Gilbert had walked into the room behind Will.

"That Gilbert. What a tosser. I mean, 'I'm Mr. Gilbert. I'm such a big, huge massive freak. And I just love to suck the headmasters' balls. And then..." Will trailed off noticing the silence.

"Is he behind me?" Will asked. He turned around and saw Mr. Gilbert behind him.

"Did you hear any of that?" Will asked.

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