1 - Anakin Skywalker

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I was going to wait with this one, but I've been getting sooo many messages for it, and I'm a people pleaser so here you go💕

2.6k words


"Iced, with one shot of creamer and a sprinkle of cinnamon," I set my boss's usual coffee order down on his desk. He wrapped his palms around it with a sigh of content before bringing it up to his lips for a drink.

"Thank you darling," Fred slowly brought the cup down and set it back on his desk. The condensation dripped down the side, already making a small ring around the plastic on the mahogany wood, "Please sit, there is something I've been meaning to discuss with you for some time." He gestured to the cushioned chair that resided opposite of him.

I furrowed my brows as I pulled the chair out and took a seat, "Is everything okay?" I asked with worry before holding my breath.

My mind as always went to the worst possible thought — that I was getting fired. Although I doubt that's what it really is, but my mind has a way of jumping to the worst conclusions.

He nodded, causing his gray hair to slide over his eyes momentarily, "Yes everything is fine, but I wanted you to be the first to know that I am planning to retire—"

"What?" I interrupted him and he raised his hand to silence me so he could finish, "Sorry," I mumbled.

He smiled before he continued, "You knew this time would come, I am pushing seventy (Y/n)." He explained with a raised brow, probably noticing the deep disappointment in my eyes.

I've worked for him as his assistant here at Skywalker publications since I was eighteen years old, fresh out of high school and new to the outside world. I had no experience, no college level education, and he still took a chance on me after I got turned down by every other job I applied for. That was six years ago, and he and I have grown close since then. He's become the father I never had. So hearing that he's leaving was heartbreaking for me, it's difficult to imagine this place without him.

"But there is something good that can come from this," His smile widened as he adjusted his posture, "Someone is going to have to fill my shoes, and I would like you to know that I am recommending you for the job."

I blinked in surprise and my breath hitched in my throat, "You—" I choked on my words and it took me a few more seconds to get out of the initial shock and pull myself together, "You're going to recommend me for the job of editor?" This was my dream, the one thing I've been chasing since starting here. But there was only one issue, "Sir, I appreciate that, but I don't know if I have the qualifications." I told myself I was going to go back to school and get my English degree, but life and this job always consumed my time and I never got around to it.

"Nonsense," He waved his hand in dismissal, "I wouldn't be recommending you if I didn't think you were qualified. Degrees aren't everything, you have years of hands-on experience and that's really all you need."

He was right. I was the one who stayed late with him most nights, going through stacks of manuscripts — tossing out the bad, and keeping the good. That's one of the jobs as an editor, picking through the hundreds of books we get and finding which ones are the diamonds in a cluster of rocks. I also helped him edit countless books whenever he would get too exhausted to continue.

Thinking about all this now is helping me realize that this job is something I am ready for, and I'm honored he was recommending me to take his place, "Thank you Sir, you have no idea how much this means to me." I was holding back tears.

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