2 - Hate

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Enemies to Lovers is showing someone the worst parts of yourself, only for them to fall in love with you anyway.

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"Oh fuck," I mumbled to myself as my new boss's gaze shifted away from mine to give his attention to his Mother who began to speak to him, but the devious smirk he held was still in play.

"Oh fuck, is right," Talia whispered from next to me and Alex was giving us a jealous-filled side-eye that I ignored, "If I was straight, I'd definitely take that for a ride—"

"That is not what I meant Talia," I interrupted her risqué comment that called for an HR meeting, "That's the asshole that cut me off in the parking structure." I revealed, dread sinking into my skin like ice cold water.

I am so fired.

Both of their heads turned fully in my direction, "Well maybe with him being our new boss and all, you should probably stop calling him an asshole." Alex said.

I met his hazel gaze and I'm confident he could see the horror in my eyes, "It doesn't matter, I already said it to his face—twice—and I may or may not have flipped him off too." I dropped my head down with a heavy sigh and eyed the disfigured cake. This is no longer just going to be Fred's retirement cake, but my farewell and hello to poverty cake as well.

"What a nice way of introducing yourself," Talia teased and I glanced up to shoot her a glare of annoyance. Of course she would find this humorous while I'm standing here, panicking.

"Well hopefully he's a forgiving man who believes in second chances, because now is your time to apologize. He's walking over here." Alex's words took a minute to register in my mind and once they did, I stood up straight and looked forward to see him walking right towards me.

My palms were already beginning to sweat as the handsome, yet jerk of a man approached, "Anakin Skywalker," He smiled a charming smile as he shook both Talia and Alex's hands who gave him their names in return. Anakin then shifted his eyes to me, and again his smile widened, like he was taunting me now that I knew who exactly he was, "And your name?" He tilted his head as he held his hand out to me.

I reluctantly placed my hand in his and he squeezed it tight, "(Y/n)." I mumbled, holding our eye contact that created a thick tension in the air. I was waiting for it, for the words to leave his lips that would let me know I was no longer going to have a job by Monday morning.

"(Y/n)," He repeated my name, "Such a pretty name for a girl with such a foul attitude."

And there it is.

He let go of my hand and dropped it by his side. This was my opportunity to apologize to him and hopefully save myself, even though I don't think he deserves one, but I'm not in the position to be arguing. The ice is already thin enough, "Listen about that, I'm really sorry—"

He held his hand up, "No need for an apology, I know you're sorry." My brows raised. He knows I'm sorry? If he wasn't my boss, I swear I'd rip him a new one right now. Pretentious asshole, he's really living up to that name, "And it seems like," He reached down on my desk and picked up my name plate that also held my title as assistant to the editor-in-chief, "We're going to be working very closely with one another, (Y/n)." He dropped it back down and it hit the desk and almost fell to the floor, but Alex caught it and gently put it back in its place.

"We are?" I asked in surprise, does this mean I'm not getting fired?

He chuckled, "Obviously, you will be my assistant after-all. I like my coffee black by the way," Like your soul, "And no later than seven am."

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