8 - Ocean Orchids

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Hardly working and shifting through plans that were now dust in the wind, I could feel a presence standing behind me. Or should I say hear — they were nervously tapping their foot against the carpet and if the floors weren't fabric then I would have also heard sweat dripping onto the floor.

"Are you just going to stand there or do you need something?" I snapped, aggressively tapping on my keyboard without taking my eyes away from the screen.

"Sorry," Alex apologized after I clearly got irritated by his hovering. I know it's only because he cares, but I was not in the mood to be coddled and questioned, "Um, so how are you doing?" He asked the exact question that about a dozen have asked me within the past hour. I usually waved them off with an 'I'm okay', but now I have had it.

"How am I doing," I echoed as I stopped typing and twisted in my chair to face him, "I will tell you how I'm doing Alex. As a matter of fact let me tell everyone how I'm doing," I stood from the chair to address everyone with a smile that resembled that of a mental patients, "I caught my fiancé cheating on me last night, which prompted me to end the engagement. But let me make it clear to everyone that I am fine. Perfectly fine," Awkward laughter filled the room... my awkward laughter, "Im even canceling all the wedding arrangements I made, right now — unfortunately I'm barely getting any of my deposits back so I'm out thousands of dollars but again, I'm fine. So please, don't ask again, okay? Okay."

I slowly sat back down in my chair and turned to face the screen with a deep breath. I was about to begin with my cancellations again when the phone on my desk beeped. The red light signaling the com was lit, and I already knew who it was.

"Yes, Mr.Skywalker," I said politely. I still felt eyes on me that I was doing my best to ignore.

The first thing he did was sigh, "I received a complaint about you, so can you tone it down before I send you home?" The thing I hated about the com was everyone in the office could hear.

I didn't let my smile falter, although it wasn't a smile of joy, but a smile a predator would wear before lunging for a kill, "May I ask what this complaint is in regards to?"

"That you're not fine."

"And who, may I ask, put in this complaint?"

"I did," He answered and the room fell silent, other than the sound of steam coming from my ears, "Now stop using company time for your personal objectives and close those screens and get back to preparing for our pitch next week."

"Right away sir," I removed my finger from the bottom and removed all the open tabs on my computer, "Oh and Mr.Skywalker," I put my finger back, "Would you like coffee or anymore of the leftover cake?"

"Okay sure, I'll take both." He sounded surprised, but appreciative.

But not suspicious.

I  got up and made my way to my friend Talia's desk which was not far from mine, "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you had any, you know..." I trailed off as I rubbed my stomach and she instantly knew what I meant.

"Of course I do," She started rummaging through her purse, "I don't know why you don't just say it, you don't need to be embarrassed. We all get constipated every once in awhile." She held the the small bottle up fro me to take.

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