5 - Miracles Do Happen

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I took a deep breath as I tilted my head up with closed eyes, trying to keep any tears from breaking through, "Why me?" I whispered.

After a few silent moments of trying to keep myself content, I looked down at the catastrophe in front of me. My chair that I was simply trying to adjust, fell apart under me—it's old. So now I've been spending the last fifteen minutes trying to put it back together to at least last me the rest of the day, but I was failing, just like I fail at everything else.

I was happy it was still rather early since I was alone in the office, because this was all just embarrassing, all I did was sit down. It even has me questioning my dietary choices.

With a sigh I tried placing the back piece on, but quickly gave up when I realized the bottom of it was bent and that is why it was no longer fitting inside the rest of the chair, "Piece of crap," I groaned in frustration as I threw the piece of furniture a couple of feet away from me. It landed near my boss's door, which I hadn't realized was now open with him standing directly in the doorway, his eyes on me, "Sorry," I mumbled, seeing his annoyance that the piece I threw nearly hit his shoes.

He walked forward with his hands in his pockets and kicked it aside, "What the hell are you doing out here?" He asked in an irritated tone, "I'm trying to read and enjoy my chai, yet it's impossible because all I hear is you out here messing with things."

I rolled my eyes, not having an ounce of patience for him, "My chair broke and I was trying to fix it," I said in a snap as I stood up and proceeded to try to get work done while standing, "But I just gave up so go ahead and go back to your reading, I'll be quiet." I mumbled sternly as I turned on my monitor. I'll also be honest that I was stressed because I still haven't heard from the Doctor and it was driving me crazy. I should expect a call either today or sometimes in the next few days, but god I wanted it now.

"Good." He walked back to his office and closed the door, but it opened barely five seconds later, "Do you want me to fix it?" He asked with a sigh.

"No, it's fine," I typed my password into the computer and waited for it to load, "I'll stand."

"All day?"

"All day." I echoed, trying to ignore that it has only been thirty seconds and I was already tired of it. I just wanted to be left alone at this point, especially since it's him that I blame for ruining the normal routine I've had for nearly six years. That alone has thrown me off.

His footsteps echoed closer to me until I could smell his strong cologne that wasn't as unpleasant as I would have preferred it to be, "Move," He pushed against my hip with his fingertips to nudge me out of the way so he could kneel where I once stood. He had ignored my decline and decided to take it upon himself to fix the chair that I consider to be irredeemable.

"You could've asked politely," I scooted away a few more small steps and knelt down so we were shoulder to shoulder.

He snorted, "You would have argued."

I sighed and sat cross-cross as I watched him work, occasionally checking the clock to prepare myself for when this room was going to be filled with people. Although I don't like being here this early, I'll admit that the quietness is peaceful.

"Have you started the book?" I asked, watching as he unbent the part of the chair I was having trouble with. I hadn't realized he had kicked it over here with him when he came.

He nodded, his brows furrowing as he focused, "I can see why Fred wanted to toss it," He admitted. I was just about to argue with him to give it a better chance than just the few minutes he's had it, but he continued before I could, "But I can also see why you don't want to. I haven't made a decision yet though, I'll need more time to get through at least a hundred pages."

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