11 - Karma

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It's a little short, but where it ended, felt like where it should end if that makes sense(: but I know what I'm writing for the next one already and I'm hoping and planning on giving it to you VERY soon.

Anakin glanced at his watch as we exited the plane, "We're a little early for our hotel check in, so we can stop somewhere to eat and kill a bit of time. If you're hungry." He power-walked away from the crowd of people, heading in the direction the exit signs pointed to.

"Can we stop at a store too? Like Walmart or Target?" I said, following quickly behind his fast steps with my purse almost slipping from my shoulder.

He took a pause, causing me to almost bump into him, "For what?" He asked, facing me.

I looked at him like he was crazy, or dumb—a bit of both I suppose, "In case you forgot, we don't have clothes, toothpaste, a toothbrush, shampoo—"

He raised his hand to cut me off, "Okay, yeah, fine whatever— we'll go to the store after we check in to the hotel."

I smiled, my lack of necessities had me anxious for a good amount of the plane ride. Which means I didn't get to sleep much like I had hoped, but since our meeting isn't until tomorrow; I can nap today at the hotel after finally getting some food in me that isn't low quality or from a plane.

We reached the pick up area after leaving the airport. I saw a taxi parked while Anakin fumbled with his Uber app, quietly cursing at it for being slow, "Taxi!" I waved and whistled it over.

Anakin looked up from his phone, groaning as the taxi approached, "No, I don't like Taxis."

I furrowed my brows, "It's the exact same thing as an Uber, minus the app."

"No it's not," He countered, "Taxi drivers raise the rates on you if you look well-off, and I definitely look well-off." He gestured to his expensive looking suit and his gold watch.

"Because you are well-off so you'll be able to afford any rate he gives you, won't you?" I opened the back seat door as soon as the taxi stopped in front of us. The driver got out and looked slightly confused when he eyed us and our lack of belongings, "We need to go downtown," I let him know with a smile.

He nodded, "Of course, anywhere specific?"

I looked at Anakin, he knew where we were going, I on the other hand don't even know the name of our hotel, "The Hyatt." He told him with an attitude, gesturing me to get in.

"You don't need to be rude," I rolled my eyes as he got in next to me,  "We're here on company business, you could have had a town car waiting." And since he didn't, we're resorting to this. So the only person he has to blame is himself.

He side-eyed me and slammed the door shut, "As you know, I had a lot of things on my mind."

"Doesn't give you the right to take out your frustration on me or strangers." I snapped, respectfully. I gazed out the window and watched as our taxi driver walked around the car to get to the drivers door.

"I'm sorry."

"What?" I turned my head quickly, shocked and wondering if I need to clean out my ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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