3 - Only Human

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"Sorry I'm late," I sighed as I set my purse down on the green cushioned chair inside of my doctor's office. I took off my coat and laid it over the back of the same chair.

My fiancè—Arthur—who was already here, stood up from the chair he was seated in and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, "Don't worry about it, I just barely got here. Doctor Leona said she would be back in a few minutes," He guided me to the seat he was previously in and urged me to sit down, "How was the retirement party?" He asked, looking down at me with his honey brown eyes, his dark hair slightly swooping over his brows.

I rolled my eyes and leaned back with my head against the wall, "Well I met my new boss, and he is probably one of the rudest human beings I have ever met."

Arthur raised his brows, "New boss? So you didn't get the job?"

"No," I sighed as I glanced down at my hands and began to pick at my cuticles, an anxious habit of mine, "The President of the company gave the position to her son instead." I mumbled, the disappointment evident in my tone.

I deserved that job, not him, it was only being handed to him because he's her son, he didn't earn it.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Arthur folded his arms over his chest. I was getting the feeling based on his tone, that he really didn't care. But he never did care for my job anyway, he has pressured me numerous times to look into a different profession. One that, and I quote 'has more of a benefit to society', "Do you still have a job though? Or will I be supporting us both?" He asked with a head tilt.

"I still have a job," I assured him.

"As an assistant?" He grimaced, making me feel worse than I already did. Arthur is a cop, and I feel like that cop mentality of him being better than everyone else gets to his head too much.

I glared at him for a few seconds to show how irritated I was by him saying my job title as if it makes me lower than others, including him, "Yes as an assistant to the editor-in-chief of Skywalker publications, one of the biggest publishing companies in America." I reminded him in a sour tone.

He bit his bottom lip before sighing and dropping his hands down, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off like that. I just think you're too smart of a woman to settle for an assistant job."

This is a conversation we've had more times than I could count, so the response I was going to give him was making me sound like a broken record. But luckily our Doctor walked in and saved me from the topic, "Great you're here." She smiled as she laid my chart down on top of a counter, "How are you feeling?" She asked.

I shrugged, "Some days are easier than others, but I'm dealing." I dropped my gaze down to my hands and picked at them again.

About six months ago I had a miscarriage during my first trimester, and moving on from it has been difficult. I had found out that I was and then barely two weeks later I lost it. Arthur seems to be handling it better than I, he doesn't even talk about it anymore. And I will admit that hat I am doing better, but sometimes I'm haunted by the idea of what could have been and my heart breaks all over again. Many may think I should just get over it since I only knew about it for a few weeks, but a baby and a family is something I always dreamed of having — so it really struck me in the heart.

We started to try again about three months later, but we haven't had any luck and today's appointment is about trying to find out what the issue may be.

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