Chapter 33: The Dilemma

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Jess's mind raced with the name Iris Adrian. The realization hit her hard, like a wave crashing over her calm. If Iris was Rick's mother, could Rick also be Adam's son?

A wave of disgust and panic twisted in Jess's stomach, tightening into a knot of dread. Her thoughts spiraled. Rick can't be Adam's son... can he? The private investigator's report had mentioned no children, but if Iris was Adam Logan's real girlfriend, was it possible they were siblings?

The thought was horrifying, growing darker with each passing moment.

"No..." she whispered, but the thought wouldn't leave her.

Jess's eyes locked onto Rick with intense focus. She needed the truth, even if she had to tear it out of him. The intimate moments they shared, once filled with passion, now made her skin crawl with revulsion. The possibility that they might have unknowingly committed incest gnawed at her insides. All she wanted now was to escape; she couldn't bear to be near Rick any longer.

Feeling nauseous, Jess's throat tightened, and she murmured, "I need to go." Her voice trembled as she turned and bolted for the door, her steps urgent and frantic as she tried to escape the nightmare unfolding in her mind.

Rick's voice called after her, but it was distant, like a whisper in the wind. She ran, her breath catching in her chest, her mind scrambling to make sense of the madness.

"No," she whispered again, desperate to believe it was all just a cruel joke.

But the truth lingered in the shadows, tormenting her. He's the son of the woman who killed my father. How could she make peace with that? Every time she thought she was close to finding happiness, fate seemed to play another cruel game.

Her heart felt shattered as the weight of her realization pressed down on her. She fumbled for her phone, hands shaking, and dialed a number.

It rang a few times before a familiar voice answered, "Jessie?"

"Shaun... I need you," she said, her voice cracking with emotion.

Shaun heard the pain in her voice and said, "Stay where you are. I'm coming to get you."

A light sob escaped Jess as she gave him her location. She waited at the bus stop, trying to steady herself as the world spun around her.

Soon, a white sedan pulled up, and Shaun's face appeared as he rolled down the window.

"Hop in," he said gently, concern in his eyes.

Jess got in, fastening her seatbelt, still reeling from the shock. Shaun glanced at her, noting the oversized sweatshirt and track pants she wore. He didn't press for details but sensed something was deeply wrong.

"Where do you want to go?" Shaun asked softly.

Jess shook her head, her voice barely a whisper. "I don't know. I just need to get away. Maybe somewhere remote... a beach. I need to think. I'm falling apart, Shaun..."

Her voice broke, and she bit her lip, fighting back tears.

Shaun nodded, understanding the depth of her pain. He began driving toward a secluded beach house, giving Jess the silence she needed. He glanced at her occasionally, worried but also curious about where she had been before calling him. The oversized clothes spoke volumes, but Shaun knew better than to press for answers now.

For now, he would be her escape.

Shaun could tell something was terribly wrong. Jess wouldn't be acting like this unless it was huge. He wanted to reach out, hold her hand, and offer some comfort, but he held back. He had a strong suspicion it involved Rick Reed.

When they arrived at the secluded beach house, Jess took a deep breath of salty air. She followed Shaun inside, her eyes scanning the warm, honey-colored timber that made the space feel cozy and safe. The beach house was thoughtfully furnished, but Jess barely noticed. She walked toward the deck, where a gentle breeze greeted her.

"Who owns this place?" Jess asked, her voice distant.

Shaun opened the refrigerator and grabbed a couple of drinks, handing one to Jess. "My record label. I asked to use it for the night."

Jess nodded absently, remembering how he had made a call on their way here. It must have been to secure this place. She had always dreamed of a coastal retreat. Maybe someday.

"Have you eaten?" Shaun's question pulled her from her thoughts.

Jess shook her head, realizing she hadn't eaten since leaving Rick. Guilt twisted in her gut. She had stormed out without a word, leaving him confused. But she wasn't ready to face him yet.

Shaun moved to the kitchen, preparing a simple meal. Ten minutes later, he set a plate of pasta in front of her. She thanked him quietly and ate in silence.

"This place is beautiful," she commented, trying to focus on something other than the turmoil in her mind.

"Yeah, it is," Shaun replied, his tone reserved.

"Have you been here before?" Jess asked, seeking distraction.

Shaun nodded and then, without warning, reached over with a napkin to wipe a bit of sauce from her mouth. The unexpected gesture caught Jess off guard, and she choked slightly, coughing. Shaun quickly handed her a glass of water, concern in his eyes.

"You okay?" he asked softly.

Jess forced a smile and nodded.

After they finished eating, Jess helped clean up, her mind elsewhere. Once the dishes were done, she joined Shaun on the deck overlooking the ocean. He was sipping on a glass of hard liquor, lost in thought.

"Isn't it a bit early for drinking?" Jess asked, trying to sound casual.

Shaun grinned. "We make our own rules today."

"Do you want a glass?" he offered.

Jess hesitated but then nodded. "Sure."

Shaun poured her a drink, and she downed it in one go.

"Whoa, slow down, Jess," Shaun cautioned.

"We make the rules, remember?" she echoed with a touch of defiance.

Shaun chuckled and poured her another glass. Jess smiled faintly, feeling the alcohol blur the edges of her thoughts. She wasn't much of a drinker, and after two glasses, she already felt a little dizzy.

"Will you tell me what happened earlier?" Shaun asked gently.

Jess shook her head, the motion making her dizziness worse. "I shouldn't dump my problems on you. I'm sorry for dragging you into this."

"You know you can always count on me," Shaun said, his voice steady. "I'm a better man because of you. You can tell me anything. I'll listen."

Jess looked down at their hands, Shaun's warm palm covering hers. The touch was comforting, but it highlighted how lost she felt.

"I envy you, Shaun," she said, her words slurring slightly. "You don't have to deal with all this family drama. I wish my life was that simple. Between my mom's illness and everything with my father... it's too much."

"Jess, my life isn't perfect. We all have struggles," Shaun replied, trying to bridge the gap between them. "But... did you find your dad?" he asked cautiously, sensing there was more to the story.

Jess remained silent, her gaze drifting to the ocean. The view was peaceful. The sea stretched out before her, as she looked at the horizon, she wondered if she could trust Shaun with her deepest secret. Could he be her ally, or would he use this information to destroy Rick once and for all?

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