16: Churros

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July was over and Tristan never felt more at peace. Despite what he'd said, he got too attached. The man couldn't help it. Dahlia Garcia had an unexplainable warmth and safety to her. She could make the saddest person content with life just by a few words. She could brighten the world with a look. That's why Tristan couldn't help himself on the first of August.

Standing on a chair, Dahlia's arms reached out for something until she heard her phone ring. Her brows furrowed when she saw Tristan's name flash on the screen.

"Good evening, Tristan."

"Dahlia! Good evening to you!"

"Is everything all right?" she felt a small grin forming on her lips upon hearing his thrilled greeting.

"Oh yes, perfectly fine," a car honked somewhere on Tristan's end.

"Are you driving?"

"What? Oh, that doesn't matter," Dahlia was about to argue that it does indeed matter before Tristan continued, "I made those churros you told me about."

"And how were they?"

"I haven't tasted them yet."

"Afraid they're poisonous?"

Tristan could practically see her playful simper, "Ha ha, Miss Manager. That's not why I called you."

"Whatever's the reason then?"

"I underestimated how many churros the batter would make and now I have A LOT of churros." Lie. Tristan knew exactly how much flour he needed when he was at the grocery store. How much sugar and how much cinnamon. But he also knew that it was Dahlia's birthday.

"More churros for you to eat then."

"Yes, but I was thinking I'd bring them over and we'd eat them together. Plus, you did give me the recipe, so you must try it."

"And this couldn't wait until we meet at work?"

Tristan faked a gasp, "What would people think, Ms. Garcia? That I'm bribing my boss with churros?"

"Oh, of course," Dahlia played along, "They'd think we're terrible people."

"Is that a yes?"

Dahlia looked at the cupboard, "I'm a bit preoccupied right now." Tristan thought she was home. Well, he found that out about an hour ago, so perhaps she's out now?


"You sound very disappointed."

"Well, you see, I may or may not be at Rosemont already."

"Tristan!" Dahlia scurried to the window, looking at the street below. Sure enough, Tristan Antonov was standing there with a large box. He wasn't kidding when he said he'd made a lot. "You realize you're supposed to ask before coming, right?"

"It's not every day a woman rejects Tristan Antonov and dessert," he looked up giving her a goofy beam.

That earned a small chuckle. the truth was she didn't want to be alone either. Cano was giving her a hard time and Taffy was tired and life wasn't looking good. "All right, I'll buzz you in."

"Thank you, mademoiselle. See you in a minute."

"See you," she said before closing the call. Smiling to herself, she shook her head at his childishness. Then she remembered what she was doing and got back on the chair. "Cano, come here," she called out, "Stop giving me a hard time."

"I've got a delivery for a very beautiful woman with even more beautiful eyes," a muffled voice stated from across the door.

Dahlia opened the door. The smell of coffee greeted her, "Thank you for the compliments, delivery man," she gestured for him to enter, "You seem to be in a great mood."

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