8: Test

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"Tristan, can I have the oh my God. Are you ok?"

"Yes," Tristan groaned internally. Ann had come late today and just now spotted his face. She was the fourth person to ask him that question today, not counting the multiple confused glances from other employees. 

"He looks like he fought a badger," Mary's voice came from the other side of the level earning a few chuckles from around the office and a cackle from Alan.

"It's actually glass-related," Tristan explained, opting for a more vague answer.

"I thought you didn't drink," Alan told him.

"I don't."

"So you just ran through a glass pane while sober?" he joked.

"Unless he was fighting the glass," Mary added. They both burst out laughing.

"You guys drunk or something?" Ahmad joined the conversation. The three of them started bickering loudly.

"You're too loud," Tristan called. Ann was scowling at them, unamused.

"Sorry, dōshi!"

"Thanks," his fellow project coordinator looked at him gratefully, "I've had this killer headache since yesterday and it won't disappear."

"Have you been drinking enough water?" Tristan asked before he got up to get her a cup.


"They're still very noisy and messy... " Dahlia trailed off, "Ann, are you looking for something?" She rested a hand on Ann's shoulder comfortingly. The latter was frustratedly opening the drawers in the little break room area seemingly looking for something. 

"Do we not have Advil here? Tylenol?" she huffed.

"I'll get you some from my bag," the manager said.

"Still got that headache?" Tristan asked.

"Yes, and now I feel nauseous too."

"Did you eat something bad?" Alan took a sip from his tea.

"No, and no one at home's sick so how did I get sick?"

"Perhaps a cold?" Mary's mouth was full of chips.

"No, it's not something infectious, otherwise my husband would've caught it."

"That's how you decide whether something's infectious?"

"Yes. Will you stop chewing so loudly?!"

Mary raised her hands and stepped out of the break room, with an unsure expression. Tristan thought for a moment. Anger, nausea, headache. Right as he came to a far-fetched conclusion, Ann stopped moving around and her jaw fell open. 

"Oh my God!" she scrolled through her phone frantically before closing it, "Dahlia, can I go to the nearest pharmacy?"

"Here they are," Dahlia was back with a pill pack, "The break ends in 5 minutes. What for?"

"A pregnancy test."

"Ann, I don't mean to be inconsiderate but maybe you can get it after work?"

"I won't be able to focus, though. It's a personal emergency, the company allows an extended break."

Dahlia was going to answer before Alan cut her in, "I'll do it." I've been running a lot. I can probably get that test and come back in two minutes."

"Easy, cheetah, the nearest pharmacy isn't that close," Mary piped up.

"I'll be fast, heichou!" he was already sprinting to the elevator.

"I didn't give you permission," she called after him before sighing, "I swear sometimes I feel like this is a daycare," she mumbled. Tristan smiled a little at the thought. 

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