27: Home

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"Here we are," Dahlia announced as she opened her apartment door, "Home sweet home."

Tristan was right behind her pulling a suitcase along, "I still don't get why you couldn't move in with me."

"Your apartment is twenty minutes from work," she immediately took her shoes off.

"We both have cars."

"Why ride a car when you can take a five-minute walk from here? Also, Cano's room."

"I'd forgotten about Cano," he smirked at her, "He's going to hate you for bringing me here."

"We'll figure it out. Will you go get changed so we can have dinner?"

"We didn't even have breakfast," he muttered.

"Well, someone was at the hospital."

"Sorry," he smiled sheepishly. Now that he was fully conscious, he realized how absurd it was to show up bloody at Dahlia's doorstep in the middle of the night.

"It's all right. Oh, I need to get Cano."

"He's not here?"

"I spent the night at the hospital, I don't leave him alone," she put her shoes back on, "He's just downstairs with one of my neighbors."

"I'll change in the meantime then."

"Use my-" she paused, a smile creeping on her face, "Our bedroom."

"I shall," he smiled back.


The sun was setting. One apartment high in the Rosemont residence building was brimming with content and the delicious scent of food. The newly engaged couple was basking in the yellow warmth of the golden hour.

"Best lasagna I've ever had," Tristan grinned.

"That might be a biased opinion," Dahlia chuckled as she took the empty plates and stood.

"Maybe," Tristan followed her, "Are you really going to do the dishes now?"

"Maybe," she teased, putting the plates in the sink.

Tristan placed the leftover lasagna in the fridge before walking toward the sink. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"What're you laughing so sneakily about?" she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"You're my fiancée," he whispered before turning her around and taking her hand, "You're going to be my wife!" he laughed.

"Yes, I am!"

He twirled her around, both of them laughing gleefully. Tristan was, without a doubt, over the moon. Between the hospital's paperwork and packing his things, he hadn't fully registered that they were now engaged. He still couldn't believe Dahlia agreed to his lousy proposal.

"Wow," he sighed as he pulled her close. 

She chuckled light at his excitement. He was still holding her hand high above their heads. She slowly slid it down his arm, resting it on the back of his head. She lowered her other hand on his hips, pulling him impossibly closer.

"Husband and wife, huh?" she mumbled resting her forehead on his. She pulled his head closer, their lips now inches apart, "May I?"

A shiver ran up his spine, as he moved even closer, their lips were almost touching now. Almost.

"All yours."

Her eyes took one fleeting glance at his before drifting down to his lips. Then she kissed him. Tristan instantly melted in her arms. There was no hesitation. No raging alarms in his head. It was just her. Just Dahlia Garcia and her soft lips.

She kissed him softly, their lips slowly gliding against each other. Then she deepened the kiss. She claimed his lips as a starved man would claim food. Her hand tugged on his soft locks as he tilted her head upwards.  

Tristan had kissed before, but it never felt like this. It never felt like the calm in the center of a storm. Like hot chocolate on the coldest day and ice cream in the heat. It felt like everything and yet nothing he'd ever experienced.

She hesitantly pulled back when they were both out of breath. It irritated him. He would've kissed her forever were it up to him. Death by lack of oxygen due to a too-long kiss wasn't the worst way to go.

"Fuck," he groaned, "I won't be able to leave at this rate."

"Hmm," she hummed, her breath tickling his face, "You don't have to leave."

Perhaps it was the abundance of dopamine, but Tristan agreed. He didn't have to leave. Nothing mattered, not time travel didn't, nor Z.E.I.T. nor his life. He would stay with her till they grow old.


"Oh my God!" Gloria squeeled holding her friend's left hand, "I can't believe you actually eloped!"

"I told you as soon as I got home," Dahlia mumbled still busy with work, "Are you just going to take that hand or can I have it back?"

"And the engagement ring is so pretty too."

Dahlia smiled. She told Tristan to get silver wedding rings to match the engagement ring. She didn't want to take it off. It really felt like an honor wearing his mother's ring.

"I've never seen you smile so adorably," Gloria teased, finally letting her hand go, "You are in love," she cooed.

"Yes, but I'm also at work right now."

"It's not fair that I couldn't hang out with you during the weekend," she smirked.

"Sorry, next time I'll invite you."

"Don't say such things, I'll actually believe you."

Dahlia shook her head, "Go to work, shoo."

Gloria mumbled something about Dahlia being too level-headed for someone who just got married. Dahlia didn't agree. A weekend with Tristan wasn't enough. She wished they could just skip work and stay at home for the coming ninety days. 

She looked at the rings for the umpteenth time that day. It all happened so fast. One moment he was dying, the next he proposed and Dahlia couldn't say no. She couldn't bring herself to be reasonable, however. She loved him and he loved her. She smiled before looking back at her laptop.


"Come on, Tristan," Alan pleaded, "Who is it?"

"I can't reveal it."


"Ahmad, I don't need your whining too."

"So not only were we not invited to the wedding," Mary said, "But you're also not telling us who the mystery lady is."

"I thought there were no women in your life."

"There wasn't."

"So she just popped up and married you in two days?"

"Something like that, yeas."

"When I get a girlfriend," Alan pouted, "I'm not telling you."

Mary looked at him sideways, "You won't be able to keep it a secret."

"True," Ahmad agreed. They started chuckling.

"You're all bullies," Alan huffed before going back to his desk.

"Are you actually not going to tell us?" Ahmad asked.

"I'll need to take her permission first."

"Well, have fun with your mystery woman," Mary patted his arm, "I'm going to check on Alan."

Tristan chuckled as they left. He was married! He was giddy with happiness. He looked forward to the end of the day. He'd get to go home with Dahlia. 


It was the first time he truly understood the word.

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