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IN A HIDDEN FOREST that was surrounded by hundreds of trees lived a beautiful maiden who goes by the name Y/n L/n

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IN A HIDDEN FOREST that was surrounded by hundreds of trees lived a beautiful maiden who goes by the name Y/n L/n. The 'flower' of the village. She was loved by all and hated by none. Her beautiful h/c hair shaped her perfect face delicately. Her shiny e/c eyes made everyone take second looks just to see them again.

Sure she was curvier than other women but that's most people like about her. Her plumped breast, ass and thighs were a bonus to Y/n.

So now here she walks along the rocky side-streets of 'BellFlower'. Her hair was let down letting it fall down her shoulders. She carried a brown basket filled with fruit for the orphanage.

"Hello there Y/n!" She turned her head slightly to the left and saw the Baker waving at her. Y/n smiled at her and waved as well. "Good morning Miss Lucita"

Y/n turned around and kept walking towards the orphanage. Once she was inside she quickly made her way to the children who all came running towards her smiling and giggling.

"Hello children" her soft melodic voice could make anyone fall for her.


"Dummy it's Miss Y/n!"

The h/c female laughed and sat down on the carpet floor. "Who wants fruit? I brought plenty from my garden" the children giggled and sat infront of her.

"Me! I want some!"

"Miss Y/n, did you bring strawberries?"

Y/n giggled and handed them the basket. "Of course I did Melody, why wouldn't I?" The children all stuffed there faces with fruit leaving smears around their chubby cheeks.

"So good!"

"Move it Henry I need more!"

"Stop pushing Leo!"

The h/c-nette giggled at their antics and stood up flattening down her f/c dress that fell to her ankles. "I need to get going children but I'll come back tomorrow with some delicious bread for you all"

The children all whined but reluctantly said goodbye and going back to eating the fruit.

Y/n walked out of the orphanage and made her way to her favorite spot. It was hidden inside the forest. Beautiful small flowers surrounded her spot. A stream could be seen near a tree that had a swing hanging down.

Many say she shouldn't go into the forest but Y/n didn't find any danger nor any harm. She had heard many stories about wolves that could transform into beautiful people and lure their pray into the nest.

Giggling at the stories, Y/n sat on the swing and gently swayed herself back and forth. The wind gently kissed her face  making her hair sway in the breeze. The sun shines on her perfect face making her look ethereal.

And it caught the attention of a lone wolf that hid near the bushes. His red eyes scanned Y/n's figure with curiosity. Letting out a small growl he trotted closer to her making sure to scare the beautiful maiden away.

But sadly he stepped on a branch making her head snap towards him. The wolf quickly hid behind a big green bush.

Y/n slowly stood up from the swing and walked over to the nose cautiously. "Hello? Who's there?" She questioned.

Her eyes scanned the bushes and trees but they stopped once they met some fiery red ones. She gasped and stumbled back. Before she ran away the creature pounced on her making her land on the grassy ground with a 'oof'.

Y/n's eyes snapped opened. The wolf was now on top of her. Her face barely inches away from the growling animal who bared his fangs at her. She stayed frozen staring into the eyes of the wolf.

"P-please don't hurt me" she whispered with a scared voice trying not to alert the wolf. The wolf silently growled at her before getting off her and walking around circles around her.

Y/n followed it's figure now realizing how big the wolf was. He probably stood around 5'8 taller than a average wolf.

Y/n gulped in fear as the wolf walked closer to her. She closed her eyes when she felt it smelling her.

It's nose sniffed her hair down to her neck.

Y/n let out a small giggle and moved away from it rubbing her neck. "I-im ticklish" she mumbled wondering if the wolf could understand her.

The wolf growled and kept sniffing her neck. Y/n tired her hardest not to let giggles out of her mouth but it was hard.

Once the wolf was done sniffing her Y/n scooted away from it and looked around. "Uh I-im surprised you d-didn't eat me...but I have t-to get going"

Y/n cautiously stood up and wiped the grass from her dress.

The wolf walked closer to her and sniffed around her lower body making her squeal and back away. "Yep that's my cue. I-I better go" she turned around and quickly walked away not looking back once.

It's red eyes bored into the back of Y/n's head.

'She's my mate'

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