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EVERYTHING WAS OK, well for Katsuki

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EVERYTHING WAS OK, well for Katsuki. He walked around his territory smirking widely showing off his mate. Whenever thet both walked past the others Katsuki would glare at all of them.

"Katsuki my neck hurts" Y/n whispered.

"Tch, suck it up baby" Katsuki retired back and smacked her ass gently while walking. This action made Y/n squeak in emberresment. "S-stop that" she grumbled.

"Oh wow! Mom is that our new leader" she turned her head and saw a smaller boy with beautiful red eyes and a fuzzy tail.

An older women walked towards and bowed once she caught the gaze of Y/n. "Yes she is"

"Adorable" Y/n muttered.

"Yeah maybe we can have some of our own"


"Katsuki just let me go outside..please" she begged trying to pry Katsuki off her. She was getting angry. She wanted her alone time to walk around.

"And I said no I told you already those wolves out there will destroy you" he growled. Y/n sighed and pushed Katsuki off her, standing up.

"I don't care I just want to go outside. Why can't you just understand?"

Katsuki rubbed his face and bared his fangs at her. "Why can't you understand baby? Just listen to my rules and you'll be safe"

He walked over to her and picked her up. Y)n squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck and her thighs around his torso.

"Without me Y/n you're nothing"

Later in the night Y/n couldn't sleep. She wanted to be back in her village hanging out with her friends and the small children.

She missed it all. She missed the times where she would walk around smiling and waving at everyone.

Her eyes welled up with tears.

"Fuck it" she stood up and made a b-line to the door. Taking a deep breath she ran and ran never stopping.

She didn't care if Katsuki got mad. She just wanted to be away from him and closer to home.

Sadly she wouldn't have her way.

A loud howl was heard from behind her. Y/n gulped and kept running not caring if she got hurt. A sudden force dropped her down to the ground.

She turned around and saw a wolf with reddish fur glaring and baring his fangs at her. "G-get off"she tired pushing him away but it was no use.

"Get off me!"

"Thanks shitty hair"

Her heart stopped at the voice. She turned her head and saw Katsuki staring down at her with a sickening glare.

"Did you think you could actually escape? Pathetic. Let's go"

The reddish wolf got off her and ran into the woods. Katsuki walked towards and grabbed her by the throat picking her up with ease.

Y/n struggled with her breath. She gasped just wanting to get air. "This is what you get for fucking leaving me"

Her eyes slowly started to roll back before Katsuki threw her to the ground. She landed with a thud holding her neck taking in deep ragged breaths.

"Let this be a warning Y/n. You could never escape me"


Mate~ {Yandere!Wolf!BakugoxFemReader}Where stories live. Discover now