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THE FAIR MAIDEN SAT on the grassy field once again hoping to see the lone wolf

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THE FAIR MAIDEN SAT on the grassy field once again hoping to see the lone wolf. Ever since the last time she's seen it she was curious. Why didn't it eat her? Why did it let her go?

Hundreds of questions made its way to Y/n's head. But she snapped out of it once she felt something heavy on her shoulder.

Turning her head a bit she saw a snout. Y/n jumped in surprise but kept her composure. "Hello again wolf" she turned around and was now Infront of the wolf.

Slowly her hands made its way up to it's ear. She carefully set her hand down making sure not to scare him or alert him. She scratched behind his ear.

The wolf closed his eyes and leaned closer to her. He layed his head down on Y/n's lap. "Awh you're adorable" she whispered and kept petting him. But she didn't know he scented her.

Two days ago when they first met the wolf realized other wolves saw the interaction. He needed to scent her to let the others know that she was his.

It was hard coming here again for the wolf but he managed not to capture the attention of his pack. He wouldn't say he was part of it since he liked being alone but his parents were leaders.

They wanted him to mark his mate before he turned 20. He was barely 18 but his parents are forcing him. They brought a couple of other female wolves but he rejected them all.

He wanted her.

The girl who didn't fear him. The girl who looked perfect to fill up with his cubs. "I wonder, what's you name?" He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard her soft voice.

He decided not to transform trying not to scare her away instead he licked the palm of her hand. "Mm maybe I should name you Okami? Or Raijin?" She kept mentioning names.

He kept his snout shut not wanting to growl at the stupid names she was mentioning. "Oh how about Kat...Katsuki!" She smiled down at him.

"Do you like that name?" He stood up and licked her cheek. "So you like it! That's good"

She was still sitting while Katsuki sniffed her hair. He gently made his way down to her neck once again. Katsuki licked her neck making her squeal. "S-stop! That tickles"

"Katsuki stop!" She kept giggling.

A loud growl stopped Katsuki from liking her neck. He snapped his head to the side where a brown wolf stood. It was smaller than Katsuki and a bit chubbier.

Y/n gulped and kept staring at the brown wolf. Katsuki made its way infront of Y/n standing protectively over her.

"What are you doing here with this human Katsuki!?"

"That's none of you business you nosy wolf"

"You're my mate! Of course I have to be in your business!"

"Mate my ass! You aren't my my Urarako or how ever you say you stupid name. She's my mate like it or fucking not"

The brown wolf growled and slowly walked around them and she caught a glimpse of Y/n's scared figure hiding behind Katsuki.

"Hah? You think your mother will accept? Beside she's not even pre-"

Before she continued talking she was thrown back to a tree trunk.

"Don't fucking talk about her like that! Respect her or I'll fucking kill you"

He growled at her and the brown wolf ran off into the woods. "Oh goodness. That was scary" he turned his head towards his mate who was still sitting down with her hands on her face.

Trotting ove from her, he licked her cheeks once more and layed down on her.

'youre beautiful'

Mate~ {Yandere!Wolf!BakugoxFemReader}Where stories live. Discover now