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Y/N LAYED ON THE NEST, a sickening purple-blue bruise covered her entire neck

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Y/N LAYED ON THE NEST, a sickening purple-blue bruise covered her entire neck. Her eyes were bloodshot red from the crying. Her body shook with hunger but Katsuki was out.

She tried standing up but her whole body felt week. How long was she like this? Hell who knows. About 3 days or so.

Biting her lip she stared out the window looking at the bright sky. Tiny clouds covered the blue sky. The door opened making Y/n snap her head to look at the person.

Katsuki walked inside carrying what look like a sack and threw it on the bed. "I got you some bread and jam. Water is in there to. Eat up" was all he said before he walked out once again.

Y/n quickly got the sack and opened it up shoving all the food in her mouth. She gasped for air but continued eating like a mad-man.

She drank the water and layed on the bed her chest rising with every breath she took. A couple of minutes past before she stood up and made her way to where a door stood.

She opened it up and walked inside. It was a bathroom(?) to say at least. Katsuki built it for her around 2 weeks ago.

Y)n took of her dress and hopped inside the tub where a bucket of water sat. She grabbed a smaller bucket and filled it up with the water.


Once she was finished she felt more comfortable. Y/n put on a red dress that Katsuki got for her and her simple back flats. She walked out drying her hair.

"Finally" she snapped her head to the side and saw Katsuki laying on the bed looking at her. His eyes trailed around her body and he licked his slightly chapped lips.

Y/n simply hummed and brushed her hair with the comb. "Hurry up. The pack built us a house where we now will live. So you'll have more privacy"

She turned to look at him with a small smile. "T-thanks" she looked back to the facing the way and kept combing her hair.

A pair of strong muscular arms wrapped around her. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to be so rough with you. You just got me pissed off" Katsuki murmured into her neck.

Y/n sighed and patted his head. "It's ok"

Katsuki kissed her cheek. "Let's go

They arrived at a cottage. It looked cozy from the outside. Many flowers surrounded it. "I remembered you like fowlers so I told those extra to plant some",

Y/n smiled up at him


Suddenly she was picked up bridal-style and they both headed inside the home. She looked up at Katsuki and stared at him scarily features.

Heck he could scare a whole flock of army with those eyes. "I can feel you staring baby" Y)n giggled nervously and looked away.


"But I didn't say I didn't like it. I'm glad you think I'm handsome"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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