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Mild Smut

"Put this on baby" Katsuki handed her a thin dress that barely covered anything. Y/n shook her head and snuggled further into the covers.

"Y/n I'm not joking put this on before I go back to the village and kill more people" he growled. The h/c-nette shot up from the bed and slightly glared at him.

"You wouldn't"

"Would I?"

Sighing Y/n stood up and snatched the dress from his hands and turned around. "Where is the bathroom?" She heard a small chuckle.

"Change here" Katsuki sat on the bed smirking at her. She shook her head. "No where's the bathroom?"

With a little bit more trouble Y/n reluctantly started taking off her dress. Once she got to her skirt and corset she took a deep breath.

"T-turn around" she looked at Katsuki who grinned at her. "Nah I'm enjoying the show. Keep going baby"

Y/n let out a shaky breath before taking off her skirt revealing her plumped thighs. Next she took off her corset letting her breast fall.


She looked at Katsuki with redden cheeks. "W-what? Stop s-staring" she hissed. "C'mere baby"

And who knows how it happened but Y/n was no laying on the bed her tummy laying on the soft bedsheets while her ass was up in the air. "K-katsuki!"

She felt soft kisses on her thighs making her shudder. "K-katsuki stop" she turned moving but a hand held her down.

A finger slipped inside her panties and played with her soaking cunt. Y/n let out a small breathy moan but tried to cover it up. "You enjoying this baby?"

Y/n moaned when she felt a finger slip inside her soaking hole. "K-katsuki~" she moaned out his name.

2 more fingers entered her hole and before anything else can happen a knocking on the door was heard.

"Katsuki you're mother is looking for you!"


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