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IT WAS A RAINY day which was good for Y/n

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IT WAS A RAINY day which was good for Y/n. Ever since she found out Katsuki chose her as his mate she's been feeling queasy. Everything was moving way to fast.

Y/n sat on the floor warming up her hands the the blazing fire infront of her. She sighed and combed her hair with her fingertips not hearing the door open.

Her mind was going all over the places. But before she could think father a hand gently squeezed her throat. Y/n jumped and turned around with wide eyes.

"Hey baby" she heard a husky voice. The h/c haired girl gulped. "K-katsuki?"

A low chuckle made her stop breathing. She felt his breath against her neck. "The one and only" her breath shook.

"What a-are you doing here?" She questioned trying to move away from him. But Katsuki kept his hand around her waist pulling her closer.

"Can't I visit my baby?" He titled his head. His ears flipped to on side. Y/n would've thought it was cute but not right now.

*H-how do you know where I-I live?" Katsuki chuckled and kissed her cheek. "You're my mate. I have to know where you live"

He stood up and picked up Y/n. Then he walked over to the couch and sat down placing Y/n right on his lap.

He stared down at her and pecked her nose. Y/n stayed quiet not wanting to say something stupid although she hoped Katsuki didn't see her rosy cheeks.

Katsuki sniffed her neck wanting to mark her right there and then but he had to wait until the full moon to mark his precious Y/n.

"You smell good" he growled into her neck and licked the spot where he wished he marked her. Y/n shivered and placed her hand on his chest pushing him slightly away.

"K-katsuki y-you should leave" she muttered and got off his lap biting her lip.

She couldn't lie Katsuki was extremely attractive but if the villagers found out he was here, they would go nuts and hunt him down until he was dead.

"You don't want me here baby?" Katsuki stood up and slightly glared at Y/n who looked away. "I-its not that! I-I promise! It's just if t-the villagers find o-out you're here they w-would kill you!"

"Oh" He chuckled and grabbed her chin with his fingers. "Baby don't worry about me. I'll kill anyone who gets in our way"

He smashed his lips against her making Y/n squeak in surprise. Y/n stumbled and back to a wal where Katsuki placed both arms around her waist pulling her closer.

Reluctantly, Y/n kissed him back. Their tongues fought in dominance but of course Katsuki won making him smirk against the kiss.

*Knock knock*

"Y/n are you there?" A male voice called out making them break the kiss. Katsuki's head snapped towards the door with a glare.

"Who the hell is that?" He growled and gripped Y/n's waist tighter. "S-stop it's just one of my f-friends"

She pushed herself away from Katsuki and grabbed his hand dragging him to her room. "Stay here Katsuki"

She quickly closed the door and walked towards the door fixing herself up. "Hey there Tami"

Tami was a male with dark green eyes and blonde curly hair. He stood around 5'10 and he was pretty handsome.

"Ah Y/n!" He stepped in like if owning the house and closed his umbrella. "I want to talk to you about something" he sat down on her couch putting his muddy shoes on the center table.

"Uhm ok" Y/n stayed on her feet and looked at Tami who had a big grin.

"Well since you know I'm handsome and you're beautiful, why don't we get together? I mean imagine how beautiful our babies would look together"

Y/n's eyes widen as she looked at him weirdly.

In the other room Katsuki tried his hardest to not run out and rip his throat out. He gripped on the door handle breathing heavily.

"I-I'm flattered b-but I can't. I don't l-like you that way" he was proud of his Y/n for refusing his offer.


"You heard her you scum. She doesn't want to get with you because she's with me"

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