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Gore and Death

Tami snapped his head towards the dominating voice. His heart stopped at the sight of a feral animal-human thingy. He gulped at the sight of the anime-human thingy showing off his sharp canines.

"She said fucking no. Besides she belongs to me and only me" in a quick second Tami's back layed on the ground with the human beast on top of him.

"Katsuki! Stop it!" Y/n ran towards but stopped when she saw Katsuki's eyes glow red. "Stay the fuck back Y/n" he lowly said with aggression.

She gulped in fear.

"And you" he stared down at the man under him. "Stay away from her"

"Heh? Why would I? She doesn't belong to you and never will! Her parents always wanted us to marry so I came here to make their wishes co-" in a quick second Katsuki's fangs gripped his throat making Tami let out a loud curling scream.

Y/n's eyes widen as tears welled up in her eyes. "Katsuki let him go!" She ran forwards and grabbed Katsuki by his shoulders trying to yank him off

But his fangs stayed there closing and closing. Blood splattered on his face but he didn't care. He only want this Tami guy gone.

"Stop! Stop it!" Y/n saw the blood making her vision blurry but that didn't stop her. "Katsuki stop" she sobbed louder.

He unclamped his teeth from Tami's throat and glared at him. "Bye bitch"

Tami's eyes widen and tried letting out a scream but it was too late. His head now layed dangling from his neck. Blood dropped and splattered around Y)n's house.

"KATSUKI!" Y/n fell to the ground sobbing loudly at the sight of blood and the sight of her friend laying on the ground dead.

Her vision blurred.

"See he shouldn't have messed with what belongs to me"

Was the last thing she heard before falling backwards. Luckily Katsuki was quick to grab her. He held her up bridal-style and walked over the body and outside into the forest with a sickening grin.


Y/n woke up to something heavy on her breast. She looked down and saw a pair of ears and blonde bushy hair. Her eyes widen at the memory of what had happen.

She silently sobbed wishing this was a just a stupid nightmare but alas it wasn't. Y/n slowly pushed Katsuki's head off her breast but hearing a low growl she stopped herself.

"K-katsuki get off" her voice cracked.

"Shh and go back to sleep baby" he looked up at her and quickly stood up once he saw the tears falling form her face.

"Oi you ok?"

Did he just ask that?

"N-NO! You killed him! You killed my friend!" She shoved him off her and stumbled up to her feet. Her breathing started getting heavier.

"Y/n he was in the way. I had to" he walked over to her but Y/n held both her hands up. "No! Don't come closer! You killed someone I cared for!"

I'ma split second Y/n was pinned to the hay like wall. "You only care for me, you got that Y/n? You belong to me"

She gulped looking away from his glare. "I-I don't belong t-to no one" she hissed out. Katsuki looked at her and chuckled lowly.

"You've belong to me since the moment we met" he leaned down and took her lips into his forcing a kiss between them.

He pulled away and let out a satisfied sigh once he saw Y/n crying and shaking.


Fear was something he loved seeing. He loves seeing others shake beneath him especially his Y/n.

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